
constructor(description: String = "", label: String = "", symbol: Symbol? = null, values: Iterable<Any> = emptyList(), alternateSymbols: Iterable<Symbol> = emptyList())

Creates a new unique value (or unique combination of values) object with alternate symbols. A unique value can have alternate symbols to the primary symbol. Alternate symbols allow you to tailor the visualization of unique value at different scales by selecting different symbol for different scales. Alternate symbols are supported only when unique value's primary symbol and other symbols in alternate symbol list are of type MultilayerSymbol and have SymbolReferenceProperties defining valid min max scales at which the symbol becomes visible. Renderer will pick only one symbol at a given map scale. If primary symbol's scale range falls within the map's scale, primary symbol is used. If not, then symbols in alternate symbols list are iterated through and first symbol matching the current map scale is picked for rendering. A symbol becomes visible if the map scale is less than or equal to symbol's minimum scale and greater than symbol's maximum scale. For more information on Scale-based symbol classes and alternate symbols see https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/mapping/layer-properties/scale-based-symbol-classes.htm.

