Package-level declarations
A class break object used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range of values. The ClassBreak is used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range defined by ClassBreak.minValue and ClassBreak.maxValue properties. A value is determined to be within this range if it is greater than the ClassBreak.minValue but less than or equal to the ClassBreak.maxValue. When written as an algebraic equation, it would look like (ClassBreak.minValue< value <= ClassBreak.maxValue).
A class breaks renderer is a renderer that classifies numeric data into two or more ranges of values to create a visualization. A class breaks renderer contains a collection of ranges (or class breaks). Each ClassBreak has a ClassBreak.minValue, ClassBreak.maxValue, and a unique ClassBreak.symbol. The ranges reflect a specific RendererClassificationMethod, such as equal interval, natural breaks, quantile, standard deviation and manual classification.
Specifies how the color is applied to the underlying geometry color/texture.
Defines a set of symbols that make up a single symbol. A composite symbol contains a collection of symbols that can be used to compose a more complex symbol.
A Geometric effect object that transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. Dashes are the symbolized portion of the stroke and gaps are the unsymbolized portion. A MutableListImpl of dash and gap distances (DIP values greater than 0) provides a template to be repeated throughout the line. A basic template consists of two distance values: the first defines the length of each dash and the second defines the length of each gap. More complex effects can be created by defining a template of multiple dashes and gaps. Template values are read as dash distance followed by gap distance throughout the pattern. Templates that contain an odd number of values will maintain the dash-gap pattern by restarting at the beginning of the template. A template of '3 2 1', for example, will be rendered as '3(dash) 2(gap) 1(dash) 3(gap) 2(dash) 1(gap) ...'. The default template is an empty MutableListImpl, which renders a solid line.
Renders geoelements using symbols generated from a DictionarySymbolStyle. The dictionary renderer applies symbols to features or graphics according to a set of input attribute values. The symbol primitives and logic (rule engine) for applying symbols is provided by an associated DictionarySymbolStyle.
A dictionary symbol style object containing symbol primitives and rules for generating symbols from attribute values. A DictionarySymbolStyle is created either from a style file on disk (an SQLite database with a .stylx extension, created with ArcGIS Pro) or from a dictionary style file hosted on ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (also referred to as a dictionary web style)
Configuration settings for a custom DictionarySymbolStyle. These configuration settings are returned from a DictionarySymbolStyle.
Defines a set of symbols and their visible distance range. Distance composite scene symbol contain symbols with distance ranges. Based on distance from the camera the symbols are rendered or not. Note that the ranges for each symbol are independent and may overlap.
Used contain multiple symbols with distance ranges. Distance composite symbol displays graphics with multiple symbols that may have distance ranges. The range contains a minimum and maximum distance for rendering the symbol. Outside of that range the symbol is not visible.
The options for handling extrusion values.
A fill symbol defines the appearance of features and graphics that are based on polygon geometries such as countries, provinces, or habitats. FillSymbol is the base class for different symbols, such as SimpleFillSymbol and PictureFillSymbol. A FillSymbol can also be used in combination with a LineSymbol to add an outline to the fill symbol.
A base class for fill symbol layers. Fill symbol layers are components of symbols that cover areal geometries. They are most often used in polygon symbols.
The list of possible font decorations. Enum to represent decoration of font supported by ArcGIS Server.
The list of possible font weights. Enum to represent weight of font supported by ArcGIS Server.
A base class for multilayer symbol geometric effect. Geometric effects are components of display rules that dynamically alter the representation of a symbol layer. If a multi layer symbol has multiple layers and an effect is applied to a specific layer it will alter only that layer of the symbol. Currently only dash geometric effect is supported.
A struct that implements hatch fill symbol layer inside of the geometry attached to a multilayer polygon symbol. A HatchFillSymbolLayer represents a polygon geometry filled with hatch lines.
A Heatmap Renderer object. This renderer currently does not have any properties and can be created only through json.
The list of possible horizontal alignments. Specifies how a text symbol should be horizontally aligned.
A base class for line symbols used to symbolize graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) that have polyline geometry. Symbols describe how graphics and features look on a map. Different symbols are used with different geometry types. Line symbols are used to display graphics and features that are based on polyline geometries such as boundaries, transportation routes and utility pipelines. Line symbols can also be used as an outline for fill symbols (FillSymbol.outline) and marker symbols (SimpleMarkerSymbol.outline).
A base class for 3D marker scene symbols used to display graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) that have points or multipoint geometry. Symbols describe how graphics and features look on a scene. Different symbols are used with different geometry types. Marker scene symbols are used to display graphics and features that are based on point or multipoint geometries on a 3D surface (a scene). Subclasses of this class represent specific types of marker scene symbols, such as simple symbols (SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol) or 3D models (ModelSceneSymbol).
A base class for marker symbols used to display graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) that have points or multipoint geometry. Symbols describe how graphics and features look on a map. Different symbols are used with different geometry types. Marker symbols are used to display graphics and features that are based on point or multipoint geometries such as cities, a route destination, or fire hydrants. Subclasses of this class represent specific types of marker symbols such as SimpleMarkerSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, or TextSymbol.
A base class for marker symbol layers, representing a symbol layer used to display a marker. MarkerSymbolLayer draws a shape or picture at a specific location relative to point geometry. A marker symbol layer is most often used in point symbols, but they can also be included in polyline and polygon symbols to draw a symbol at locations along lines and outlines, or within areas (the center of a polygon, for example).
A fill used to render 3D volumetric meshes. It can also render the surfaces of 2D polygon geometries in a scene view. A MaterialFillSymbolLayer is a symbol layer used to shade a geometry with a material that defines a color by blending the color property with the geometry's color/texture information based on the selected ColorMixMode.
Used to display point or multipoint geoelements in a scene using a 3D model. By default, the symbol will be positioned using the centroid of the model object. Note that this may not be the same as the center of its bounding extent. Model scene symbols cannot be used with a static graphics rendering mode (GraphicsRenderingMode.Static).
A mesh symbol built with a material fill symbol layer to display 3D objects in an ArcGISSceneLayer in a SceneView. Only SimpleRenderer, UniqueValueRenderer, and ClassBreaksRenderer can be created from a collection of MultilayerMeshSymbol. To symbolize 3D objects, apply the render to ArcGISSceneLayer.
A point symbol built with multiple layers of symbols to display graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry. A MultilayerPointSymbol can contain multiple symbol layers that are combined to create different appearances, for example, concentric circles or a pushpin with a star drawn in a different color. You can access and modify the symbology of layers using MultilayerSymbol.symbolLayers. You can also change properties such as the MultilayerPointSymbol.size, MultilayerPointSymbol.angle, and MultilayerPointSymbol.angleAlignment. For more information about multilayer symbols, refer to
A polygon symbol built with multiple layers of symbols to display graphics and features that have polygon geometry. A MultilayerPolygonSymbol can contain multiple layers that are combined to create different appearances, for example, a polygon with a marker in the center. The individual layers have their own properties such as width, height, and offset, and can be accessed programmatically through MultilayerSymbol.symbolLayers. For more information about multilayer symbols, refer to
A polyline symbol built with multiple layers of symbols to display graphics and features that have polyline geometry. A MultilayerPolylineSymbol can contain multiple layers that are combined to create different appearances, for example, a solid road with dashed pattern on top to show the center line. The individual layers have their own properties such as width and dash patterns, and can be accessed programmatically through MultilayerSymbol.symbolLayers. For more information about multilayer symbols, refer to
A base class for multilayer symbols. Multiple layers of symbols combine to make complex multilayer symbols that you can add to a map or scene. Multilayer symbols can be returned from feature layers based on web maps, feature services (with Use Advanced Symbology set to true), or mobile map packages. They can also be created from JSON by calling Symbol.fromJsonOrNull(String). You can programmatically create and change them using the MultilayerPointSymbol, MultilayerPolylineSymbol, and MultilayerPolygonSymbol subclasses. You can also access the layers that comprise the symbol through MultilayerSymbol.symbolLayers and modify their properties, such as the color of a multilayer symbol. Some subclasses also expose additional symbol properties.
Uses an image to fill the shape of graphic and feature polygons with a repeating pattern. Supported image formats are BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, and PNG. Animated GIF is not supported.
A symbol layer that fills polygon geometry with an image. The specified image fills the layer's polygon if it's the only symbol layer in a MultilayerPolygonSymbol. If a single image doesn't completely fill the geometry, it is tiled to complete the fill.
Uses an image to symbolize graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry. Supported image formats are BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, and PNG. Animated GIF is not supported.
A struct that implements picture marker symbol layers. A PictureMarkerSymbolLayer represents a symbol layer used to place a picture marker on a point geometry.
A base class for renderers that use a collection of one or more symbols to display features in a Layer or graphics in a GraphicsOverlay. If the renderer contains more than a single symbol, it uses the rules to determine the symbol to apply to each geoelement, based on one or several attribute values. There are three basic types of renderers:
The classification method used to generate class breaks.
The different types of normalization.
Provides access to scene specific properties. Scene properties can be retrieved from the Renderer and used to set scene specific properties defining the behavior in 3D
The list of possible rotation types. Controls the origin and direction of rotation for a symbol.
The list of possible scene symbol anchor placements. This is used to determine the position of the scene marker symbol.
Uses predefined patterns and colors to symbolize graphics and features that have polygon geometry. Simple fill symbols can fill the interior of polygons using predefined fill patterns such as SimpleFillSymbolStyle.BackwardDiagonal, SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Vertical, SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Horizontal and SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Cross, as well as SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid colors. These symbols can have an optional outline, which is defined by SimpleLineSymbol.
The list of possible simple fill symbol styles. This is used to determine the style of the simple fill symbol.
Uses predefined patterns and colors to symbolize graphics and features that have polyline geometry. Simple line symbols display graphics using predefined line style patterns such as SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, or SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dot.
The list of possible marker placements on a simple line symbol. Controls the placement of markers on a simple line symbol, if any.
The list of possible marker styles to place on a simple line symbol. Controls the style of marker placed at the end of a simple line symbol, if any.
The list of possible simple line symbol styles. This is used to determine the style of the simple line symbol.
Uses a 3D marker symbol to symbolize graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry. Simple marker scene symbols display graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) using predefined 3D markers such as SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle.Cone, SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle.Cube, and SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle.Sphere.
The list of possible simple marker scene symbol styles. This is used to determine the style of the simple scene marker symbol.
Uses a color and marker shape to symbolize graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry. Simple marker symbols display graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) using predefined markers such as circle and cross. These symbols can have an optional outline, which is defined as a SimpleLineSymbol.
The list of possible simple marker symbol styles. This is used to determine the style of the simple marker symbol.
A simple renderer uses a single Symbol to draw all features and graphics. The same symbol is used for all graphics in a graphics overlay and all features in a feature layer, regardless of their attribute values.
A struct that implements solid fill symbol layer. A SolidFillSymbolLayer represents a symbol layer used to fill a polygon geometry with a solid color. It can have transparency applied.
A class for stroke symbol layers with customized geometric effects. Currently it supports only dash effects. Commonly used in line symbols to describe the appearance of the line, or in polygon symbols as an outline. A SolidStrokeSymbolLayer represents a polyline geometry symbolized with a solid color.
A StrokeSymbolLayer represents a symbol layer that, when applied to a polyline geometry, draws a stroke along that geometry. The StrokeSymbolLayer can also control drawing the outline of a polygon geometry. Applied to a polyline geometry, the StrokeSymbolLayer will draw a segment of stroke adhering to the selected visual properties for each line segment. Similarly, as the outline of a polygon geometry, the StrokeSymbolLayer draws a stroke segment for each line segment of the polygon outline.
The list of possible cap styles. The cap style describes the way that line symbol layers will terminate when combined with a geometry. The term "cap" refers to the end of the line. The options here control the shape that cap will take.
The list of possible 3D line styles. The 3D line style describes the way that line symbol layers will render in 3D. The property refers to the rendering style of a 3D stroke layer. In a scene view, changing this property will change the fundamental appearance of the stroke layer.
A symbol defines the appearance of features and graphics that are displayed in a GeoView. Symbol is the base class for a number of different symbols, such as MarkerSymbol, LineSymbol, FillSymbol abd MultilayerSymbol, which are sub-classes for more specialized symbols.
Implements the anchor of a symbol layer, including placement mode and x, y, z anchor values. SymbolAnchor contains the properties necessary to define the anchor for a symbol layer. These anchor properties define both the anchor values (x, y, z) and the placement mode. This object can be passed to MarkerSymbolLayer objects to control marker anchor properties.
The list of possible symbol anchor placement modes. SymbolAnchorPlacementMode enumerates the ways in which symbol anchor values may be specified. Different placement modes control how anchor values are interpreted.
The list of possible symbol angle alignment types. Marker symbol alignment when map is rotated.
A base class to represent symbol layers, which are the fundamental components used to build multilayer symbols. The available symbol layer types correspond to the primitive geometry they are designed to render: marker layers for point, stroke layers for line, and fill layers for area. Layer types, however, are not applied exclusively to the corresponding geoelement geometry type. A marker symbol layer, for example, could be applied to a polyline feature to render its vertices. Each layer type has a unique set of properties to control its display.
Defines edges on a symbol layer applicable for rendering 3D geometries. Edge rendering visualization is specific for 3D visualizations. It can be used to emphasize the form of 3D objects and to improve the three-dimensional spatial understanding. Edges are currently accessible only on MultilayerMeshSymbol.
Symbol properties that changes how symbols behave when attached to a renderer. SymbolReferenceProperties contains conditional properties that are not used directly by the symbol but rather by the renderer to change how a symbol is visualized based on the state of the view and the data. For example, SymbolReferenceProperties.minScale and SymbolReferenceProperties.maxScale will be used by class breaks and unique value renderers to determine if a symbol break or unique value is visible at a certain scale. Additional symbols can be assigned as alternate symbols for the renderers. This allows the map author to control which symbol is displayed at certain scales.
The list of possible size units for symbols. It describes the size units that can be applied to the symbols. For instance using DIPs for ModelSceneSymbol.
A symbol style object. A SymbolStyle is created either from a style file on disk (an SQLite database with a .stylx extension, created with ArcGIS Pro) or from a style file hosted on ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (also referred to as a web style).
Search parameters used to search for symbol primitives in a symbol style . SymbolStyleSearchParameters allow you to specify different parameters when searching a symbol style with SymbolStyle.searchSymbols(SymbolStyleSearchParameters). For example, you may want to search for any symbols where the category is "2", the name contains "destroyed", and the tags contain "Protection Lines".
A search result object returned by symbol style. This object is returned by symbol style based on the search performed using search parameters. It contains the information related to name, tags, category, class type, key associated to a symbol. It also returns the symbol.
Defines how text is displayed using characteristics such as font, size, color, and position. To display text in a MapView or SceneView, create a TextSymbol. Specify whether a string or attribute value is displayed by the TextSymbol.text. Define the appearance and position of the text using TextSymbol.color, TextSymbol.size, TextSymbol.fontStyle, or TextSymbol.verticalAlignment, for example. Position the text by applying it to a Graphic based on any type of geometry - point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon. Add the graphic to the collection and add the GraphicsOverlay to the MapView or SceneView collection of graphics overlays.
A unique value object.
A unique value renderer symbolizes geoelements with a distinct symbol for each unique data value in an attribute. A unique value renderer contains a collection of UniqueValueRenderer.uniqueValues. Each UniqueValue has an UniqueValue.symbol and a collection of UniqueValue.values to define a value or combination of values.
An instance of this class represents a renderer type that is not currently supported. The renderer will be persisted in the string returned by Renderer.toJson(), but cannot be used to draw a layer in the map view.
An instance of this class represents a symbol type that is not currently supported. The symbol will be persisted in the string returned by Symbol.toJson(), but cannot be used to draw.
The VectorMarkerSymbolElement represents a component of a vector marker. A single VectorMarkerSymbolElement is a combination of a symbol and a geometry. The symbol held by the VectorMarkerSymbolElement is itself a MultilayerSymbol. The geometry of the VectorMarkerSymbolElement does not pertain to the geography of the Map or Scene. Rather, the geometry property describes the shape of the Multilayer_symbol held by the VectorMarkerSymbolElement. The coordinate values defining the geometry are in points. This behavior facilitates creating a custom VectorMarkerSymbolElement of custom shape and symbol, then combining it with zero or more other elements to form a vector marker.
The VectorMarkerSymbolLayer represents a marker comprising vector graphics. The VectorMarkerSymbolLayer is constructed from a collection of VectorMarkerSymbolElement which define the building blocks of the vector marker.
The list of possible vertical alignments. Specifies how a text symbol should be vertically aligned.