
AnalysisOverlay manages the display of one or more Analyses on a scene view. AnalysisOverlay allows you to group related analyses and control visibility for all members of the collection. A scene view can contain many AnalysisOverlays.




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constructor(analyses: Iterable<Analysis> = listOf())

Creates an AnalysisOverlay object with the given analyses -- an empty list by default.


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The collection of analysis objects managed by the AnalysisOverlay. The collection is specific to an AnalysisOverlay so you can't reuse an analyses collection coming from another AnalysisOverlay. You have to create a new layer collection.

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The visibility for the AnalysisOverlay. If the overlay's visibility is false, none of the Analyses in the collection will display. If true, only those Analyses whose visibility is also true will display. Will return false if an error occurs.