
data class AttributionBarLayoutChangeEvent(val view: View, val left: Int, val top: Int, val right: Int, val bottom: Int, val oldLeft: Int, val oldTop: Int, val oldRight: Int, val oldBottom: Int)

Represents information about a change to the attribution bar's position or size.



See also


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constructor(view: View, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, oldLeft: Int, oldTop: Int, oldRight: Int, oldBottom: Int)


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val bottom: Int

The new value of the view's bottom property.

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val left: Int

The new value of the view's left property.

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The previous value of the view's bottom property.

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The previous value of the view's left property.

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The previous value of the view's right property.

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val oldTop: Int

The previous value of the view's top property.

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val right: Int

The new value of the view's right property.

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val top: Int

The new value of the view's top property.

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val view: View

The attribution bar's view.