
class Callout

Draws a callout on a geo view. A callout displays an Android View that contains text and/or other content. It has a leader that points to the location that callout refers to. The body of the callout is a rectangular area with curved corners that contains the content view provided by the application. A thin border line is drawn around the entire callout.

The application must get a Callout object from the geo view by calling GeoView.callout. This always returns the same object for a particular geo view. There are then two alternative ways to set the content and location and show the callout:

  • Set content, set location, and show all in a single call to show

  • Set content, set GeoElement, and show all in a single call to show




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Makes the callout appear to grow out of its anchor point when it is shown and shrink back into its anchor point when it is dismissed. Default value is false.

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Returns whether or not the callout is currently visible on the GeoView.


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fun dismiss()

Dismisses the callout, removing it from the screen.

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fun show(contentView: View, geoElement: GeoElement, tapLocation: Point? = null)

Sets the content and location of the callout for the given GeoElement and shows it.

fun show(contentView: View, location: Point, offset: DoubleXY =, rotateOffsetWithGeoView: Boolean = false)

Sets the content and location of the callout and shows it.