
@Serializable(with = PortalPrivilegeSubtypeSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalPrivilegeSubtype : UnknownStringEncodable

An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit.





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The ability to perform closest facility tasks.

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The ability to perform location-allocation tasks.

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The privilege does not relate to a fine-grained operation.

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The ability to perform optimized routing tasks.

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The ability to perform origin-destination cost matrix tasks.

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The ability to perform simple routing tasks.

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The ability to perform service area tasks.

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The ability to perform geocode operations and store the results, in a database for instance.

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The ability to perform geocode operations in which the results are not stored.

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class Unknown(val unknownState: String) : PortalPrivilegeSubtype

An unknown portal privilege subtype.

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The ability to perform vehicle routing tasks.


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open override val encoding: String