
A class that contains information about supports the ability and return attributes. Class containing the information for a LocatorTask, either an online locator created from an ArcGIS geocode service, or a local locator created from local data.




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Description of locator.

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Intersection result attributes. Array of output fields for intersections geocoding. Empty if intersections geocoding is not supported.

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Name of locator.

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Properties of locator task.

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Result attributes. Array of output fields for addresses geocoding.

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Search attributes. Array of input fields for multiline addresses geocoding.

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Spatial reference. Locator task internal spatial reference.

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Supports of addresses. True if addresses (point address or street address) are supported by locator task.

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Supports of intersections. True if intersections a supported by locator task.

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Supports of POI. True if POI is supported by locator task.

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Supports of suggestions. True if suggest is supported by locator task.

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Version of locator task.