
A polygon barrier object is used to restrict route solving. A class that represents a polygon feature to be avoided (or penalized) by a route. A polygon barrier may represent a regional area of interest within the network to be avoided (i.e., not entered) by a route (e.g., a flood zone) or to penalize/delay a route within any portions of the area traversed by the route (e.g., a busy downtown area or a bad neighborhood).

The polygon barrier class is derived from the graphic class.




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constructor(polygon: Polygon)

Creates a polygon barrier instance.


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Polygon barrier ID. This is a caller supplied foreign key that can be used to associate output polygon barriers with input polygon barriers.

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Polygon barrier's geometry. The polygon geometry of a Polygon barrier.

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The name of a polygon barrier.

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Polygon barrier's type.


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fun getScaleFactorForCost(attributeName: String): Double

Gets scale factor for cost.

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fun setScaleFactorForCost(attributeName: String, scaleFactor: Double)

Sets scale factor for cost.