
A class that describes the single service area polyline. The service area polyline stores the resultant service area polyline, which the represents the network edges that can be reached within the given impedance.




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Network location where the polyline begins. The location on the network where the service area polyline begins.

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Service area polyline's geometry. The geometry for the polyline in case if ServiceAreaParameters.returnPolylines is true.

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Network location where the polyline ends. The location on the network where the service area polyline ends.


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fun getFromCumulativeCost(attributeName: String): Double

Gets the cumulative cost for the beginning of polyline. Returns the cumulative cost value of the path from the facility to the beginning of this polyline.

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fun getToCumulativeCost(attributeName: String): Double

Gets the cumulative cost for the end of polyline. Returns the cumulative cost value of the path from the facility to the end of this polyline.