
The result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob. When the job completes it returns the offline map and indicates whether any errors were incurred during the download process (DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult.hasErrors). Examine the individual layer and table errors to identify the source of the problem. For example, the loss of the online service, a layer or table may not be taken offline or export tiles has not been enabled on the layer.




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Indicates that there is at least one layer or table that could not be taken offline. To determine which layers or tables could not be taken offline examine the DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult.layerErrors and the DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult.tableErrors, respectively.

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A dictionary of layers that could not be taken offline. Iterate through the dictionary to examine the error strings to determine why the layers failed to be taken offline.

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The mobile map package containing the requested offline map.

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The offline map containing the requested preplanned map area.

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A dictionary of tables to errors for any tables that could not be taken offline. Iterate through the dictionary and examine the error strings to determine why the tables failed to be taken offline.