OAuth User Sign In Activity
An activity that is responsible for launching a CustomTabs activity and to receive and process the redirect intent as a result of a user completing the CustomTabs prompt.
This activity must be registered in your application's manifest. There are two ways to configure the manifest entry for OAuthUserSignInActivity:
The most common use case is that completing an OAuth challenge by signing in using the CustomTabs browser should redirect back to this activity immediately and allow the OAuthAuthenticator
to immediately handle the completion of the challenge. In this case, the activity should be declared in the manifest using launchMode="singleTop"
and an intent-filter
should be specified:
android:launchMode="singleTop" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:scheme="my-ags-app" />
Should your app require that the redirect intent from the browser is handled by another activity, then you should remove the intent filter from the OAuthUserSignInActivity
and put it in the activity that you want the browser to redirect to. Depending on your app's configuration, you may need to change the launch mode to singleInstance
, but be aware that this will expose the browser as a separate task in the recent tasks list.
android:launchMode="singleInstance" >
Then, in the activity that receives the intent as a result of completing the CustomTab, you can pass that on to the OAuthUserSignInActivity
by copying the intent.data
and starting the activity directly:
val newIntent = Intent(this, OAuthUserSignInActivity::class.java).apply {
data = uri
An ActivityResultContract that takes a OAuthUserSignIn as input and returns a nullable string as output. The output string represents a redirect URI as the result of an OAuth user sign in prompt, or null if OAuth user sign in failed. This contract can be used to launch the OAuthUserSignInActivity for a result. See Getting a result from an activity for more details.