Class GeoView
A base class for all views that can display geographic content.
Namespace: Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.Controls
Assembly: Esri.ArcGISRuntime.WinUI.dll
public abstract class GeoView : Control, INotifyPropertyChanged
Subclasses can display the content in either 2D (MapView) or 3D (SceneView). In an MVC architecture, this class and its subclasses represent the View tier. The Model tier is represented by GeoModel, which supplies the geographic content as a map (Map) or a scene (Scene).
GeoView contains all the common operations and events that apply to displaying and working with maps and scenes. For example, you can change the viewable area by setting a Viewpoint, work with graphics in the GraphicsOverlay, and identify a GeoElement that displays in the view.
Name | Description |
GraphicsOverlaysProperty | Identifies the GraphicsOverlays dependency property. |
GridProperty | Identifies the Grid Dependency Property |
IsAttributionTextVisibleProperty | Identifies the IsAttributionTextVisible Dependency Property |
LabelingProperty | Identifies the Labeling Dependency Property |
OverlaysProperty | Identifies the Overlays dependency property. |
SelectionPropertiesProperty | Identifies the SelectionProperties dependency property. |
TimeExtentProperty | Identifies the TimeExtent dependency property. |
ViewInsetsProperty | Identifies the ViewInsets dependency property. |
ViewOverlayAnchorProperty | Identifies the ViewOverlayAnchor dependency property. |
Name | Description |
AttributionText | Gets the attribution text for the data that is currently displayed in the GeoView. |
DrawStatus | Gets the current drawing status of the content displayed in the GeoView. |
GraphicsOverlays | Gets or sets a collection of GraphicsOverlay objects used to display graphics on top of the view's content. |
Grid | Gets or sets a coordinate system grid to display on top of the GeoView. |
IsAttributionTextVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Esri attribution text is visible. |
IsCalloutVisible | Gets a value indicating whether a callout is currently open |
IsNavigating | Gets a value indicating whether the map is currently navigating. when navigation has finished the NavigationCompleted event will be raised. |
IsWrapAroundEnabled | Gets a value indicating whether the wrap around feature is currently active. For wrap around to be active the WrapAroundMode property must be set to true and the SpatialReference of the MapView control must be a SpatialReference that supports wrapping. |
Labeling | Gets or sets the ViewLabelProperties. |
Overlays | Gets or sets the XAML elements that can be used to overlay on the map, and placed using the ViewOverlayAnchor attached property. |
SelectionProperties | Gets or sets the selection properties for all graphic overlays and selectable layers within the GeoView. |
SpatialReference | Gets the spatial reference that defines the coordinate system used by the map or scene in the GeoView. |
TimeExtent | Gets or sets TimeExtent of the GeoView. |
ViewInsets | Gets or sets the viewport inset padding. |
Name | Description |
CancelSetViewpointOperations() | Cancels any pending or currently running SetViewpointAsync operations. |
DismissCallout() | Dismisses a callout if it's open. |
ExportImageAsync() | Exports an image snapshot of the current GeoView. |
GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType) | |
GetLayerViewState(Layer) | Gets the LayerViewState for the given layer. |
GetViewOverlayAnchor(FrameworkElement) | Gets the value of the ViewOverlayAnchor XAML attached property from the specified |
IdentifyGraphicsOverlayAsync(GraphicsOverlay, Point, Double, Boolean) | Identifies the topmost graphic in the specified graphics overlay, at the given screen point. |
IdentifyGraphicsOverlayAsync(GraphicsOverlay, Point, Double, Boolean, Int64) | Identifies a limited number of graphics in the specified graphics overlay, at the given screen point. |
IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(Point, Double, Boolean) | Identifies the topmost graphic in each graphics overlay, at the given screen point. |
IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(Point, Double, Boolean, Int64) | Identifies a limited number of graphics in all graphics overlays, at the given screen point. |
IdentifyLayerAsync(Layer, Point, Double, Boolean) | Initiates an identify operation on the specified layer which will return the single visible topmost geolement only. |
IdentifyLayerAsync(Layer, Point, Double, Boolean, Int64) | Identifies a limited number of geoelements in the specified layer or sublayer, at the given screen point. |
IdentifyLayerAsync(Layer, Point, Double, Boolean, Int64, CancellationToken) | Initiates an identify operation on the specified layer. |
IdentifyLayerAsync(Layer, Point, Double, Boolean, CancellationToken) | Initiates an identify operation on the specified layer which will return the single visible topmost GeoElement only. |
IdentifyLayersAsync(Point, Double, Boolean) | Identifies the topmost geoelements at the given screen point, in each identifiable layer or sublayer in the GeoView's Map or Scene. |
IdentifyLayersAsync(Point, Double, Boolean, Int64) | Identifies a limited number of geoelements at the given screen point, in each identifiable layer or sublayer in the GeoView's Map or Scene. |
IdentifyLayersAsync(Point, Double, Boolean, Int64, CancellationToken) | Initiates an identify operation on all layers in the view. |
IdentifyLayersAsync(Point, Double, Boolean, CancellationToken) | Initiates an identify operation on all layers in the view which will return the single visible topmost GeoElement per layer only. |
OnApplyTemplate() | |
OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs) | Called before the |
SetBookmarkAsync(Bookmark) | |
SetViewOverlayAnchor(FrameworkElement, MapPoint) | Sets the value of the ViewOverlayAnchor XAML attached property on the specified |
SetViewpoint(Viewpoint) | Pan or zoom the GeoView to the specified Viewpoint location. |
SetViewpointAsync(Viewpoint) | Pan or zoom the GeoView using animation to the specified Viewpoint location, asynchronously. |
SetViewpointAsync(Viewpoint, TimeSpan) | Pan or zoom the GeoView using animation to the specified Viewpoint location. Animation takes place over the specified duration. |
ShowCalloutAt(MapPoint, CalloutDefinition) | Shows a callout based on a CalloutDefinition at the given location. |
ShowCalloutAt(MapPoint, UIElement, Windows.Foundation.Point) | Shows a callout at the given location with Visual Element as content |
ShowCalloutForGeoElement(GeoElement, Windows.Foundation.Point, CalloutDefinition) | Shows a callout for the given GeoElement at an appropriate location for the tap location by snapping to the geometry of the element. |
Name | Description |
DrawStatusChanged | Occurs when the draw status of the GeoView changes. |
GeoViewDoubleTapped | Occurs when an otherwise unhandled DoubleTap interaction occurs over the hit test area of the view. |
GeoViewHolding | Occurs when an otherwise unhandled holding interaction occurs over the hit test area of the view. |
GeoViewTapped | Occurs when an otherwise unhandled Tap interaction occurs over the hit test area of the view. |
LayerViewStateChanged | Occurs when the layer view state of any layer in the GeoView changes. |
NavigationCompleted | When navigation on the map has completed this event will be raised. |
SpatialReferenceChanged | Occurs when the spatial reference of the GeoView changes. |
ViewpointChanged | Occurs when the viewpoint of the GeoView has changed. |
Name | Description |
INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property value changes. |
Applies to
Target | Versions |
.NET Windows | 100.13 - 200.6 |