ReticleVertexTool Class

  • ReticleVertexTool
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ReticleVertexTool

    Allows you to edit geometries in a GeometryEditor using the GeometryEditorReticle. More...

    Header: #include <ReticleVertexTool.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.5
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeometryEditorTool

    Public Functions

    ReticleVertexTool(QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~ReticleVertexTool() override
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ReticleInteractionConfiguration *configuration() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeometryEditorReticle *reticle() const
    void setConfiguration(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ReticleInteractionConfiguration *configuration)
    void setReticle(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeometryEditorReticle *reticle)

    Detailed Description

    The ReticleVertexTool is recommended for precise, vertex-based geometry editing on touch devices when using the GeometryEditor. This tool can be used to create and edit Multipoint, Point, Polygon, and Polyline geometries, by adding and moving individual vertices using the reticle.

    A GeometryEditorReticle is a visual aid used to indicate the edit position, displayed on a map view. By separating the point at which you interact with the screen from the point at which an edit takes place, you are able to clearly see where new vertices will be added before tapping the screen. Additionally, when snapping is enabled (SnapSettings::isEnabled), this tool allows you to see visual snapping feedback during vertex addition and moves, without fingers or a stylus hiding the screen and the snapping feedback.

    A default reticle is provided, which can be customized to suit your specific app appearance, style, and accessibility requirements - for more information see GeometryEditorReticle.

    Use the configuration properties to customize the possible interactions - for example, you can configure a tool specifically for moving vertices only, or for adding vertices only. For more information, and to learn more about how these interactions work, see ReticleInteractionConfiguration.

    To provide the ability to move, resize, and rotate whole geometries, or parts of multipart geometries, you can change the current GeometryEditor::tool to a VertexTool instead, while keeping the current state of the GeometryEditor::geometry.

    A consistent set of default symbology appropriate for for this tool type is returned from GeometryEditorTool::style. This tool takes a simpler approach to drawing the geometry than the VertexTool when there is a move in progress, by only displaying the state of the geometry elements accounting for the current move, and not displaying the existing position of any elements that will be affected by the move.

    See also GeometryEditorReticle, ReticleInteractionConfiguration, VertexTool, FreehandTool, ShapeTool, and GeometryEditor::tool.

    Member Function Documentation

    [explicit] ReticleVertexTool::ReticleVertexTool(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Creates a new ReticleVertexTool with a default GeometryEditorReticle and ReticleInteractionConfiguration

    • parent - The optional parent QObject.

    By default, the configuration allows you to create and move individual vertices. By default, it does not allow the creation of new parts in multipart geometries. This behavior can be customized with configuration. For more information on how these interactions work, see ReticleInteractionConfiguration.

    [override virtual] ReticleVertexTool::~ReticleVertexTool()


    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ReticleInteractionConfiguration *ReticleVertexTool::configuration() const

    Returns defines the set of interactive operations enabled when using this tool.

    By default, the configuration allows you to create and move individual vertices. By default, it does not allow the creation of new parts in multipart geometries. You can change the values of the ReticleInteractionConfiguration properties to customize the possible interactions - for example, you can configure a tool specifically for moving vertices only, or for adding vertices only. For more information, and to learn more about how these interactions work, see ReticleInteractionConfiguration.

    See also setConfiguration().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeometryEditorReticle *ReticleVertexTool::reticle() const

    Returns specifies the reticle visual component to be used by the ReticleVertexTool.

    A default GeometryEditorReticle is provided if a new one is not assigned.

    See also setReticle().

    void ReticleVertexTool::setConfiguration(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ReticleInteractionConfiguration *configuration)

    Sets the configuration to configuration.

    See also configuration.

    void ReticleVertexTool::setReticle(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeometryEditorReticle *reticle)

    Sets the reticle to reticle.

    See also reticle.

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