BasemapGalleryItem Class

  • BasemapGalleryItem
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem

    Represents the contents of a BasemapGallery. Can be accessed via BasemapGalleryController::gallery. More...

    Header: #include <BasemapGalleryItem>
    Inherits: QObject


    Public Functions

    BasemapGalleryItem(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap, QImage thumbnail, QString tooltip, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    BasemapGalleryItem(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    BasemapGalleryItem(QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~BasemapGalleryItem() override
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap() const
    QString name() const
    void setBasemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap)
    void setThumbnailOverride(QImage thumbnail)
    void setTooltipOverride(QString tooltip)
    QImage thumbnail() const
    QImage thumbnailOverride() const
    QString tooltip() const
    QString tooltipOverride() const


    Detailed Description

    The BasemapGalleryItem is a wrapper around a Basemap, along with any additional meta-information.

    The BasemapGalleryItem allows for the optional application of a thumbnail and tooltip, which override the given thumbnail/tooltip of the Basemap.

    This is handy when creating Basemaps on the fly from a BasemapStyle or other means, as these basemaps do not come with a thumbnail or tooltip by default.

    Property Documentation

    basemap : Basemap*

    This property holds the basemap this item represents.

    Access functions:

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap() const
    void setBasemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap)

    Notifier signal:

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem::basemap().

    name : const QString

    This property holds the name of the basemap, if set.

    Access functions:

    QString name() const

    Notifier signal:

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem::name().

    thumbnail : const QImage

    This property holds the thumbnail the item will display in the gallery.

    Access functions:

    QImage thumbnail() const

    Notifier signal:

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnail().

    thumbnailOverride : QImage

    This property holds a thumbnail the developer can set to replace the default thumbnail.

    Access functions:

    QImage thumbnailOverride() const
    void setThumbnailOverride(QImage thumbnail)

    Notifier signal:

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnailOverride().

    tooltip : const QString

    This property holds the tooltip the item will display in the gallery.

    Access functions:

    QString tooltip() const

    Notifier signal:

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem::tooltip().

    tooltipOverride : QString

    This property holds a tooltip the developer can set to replace the default tooltip.

    Access functions:

    QString tooltipOverride() const
    void setTooltipOverride(QString tooltip)

    Notifier signal:

    See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::BasemapGalleryItem::tooltipOverride().

    Member Function Documentation

    BasemapGalleryItem::BasemapGalleryItem(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap, QImage thumbnail, QString tooltip, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructor. Takes a basemap, thumbnail, tooltip, and parent object.

    Constructs an item that represents the given basemap in the gallery. The thumbnail and tooltip objects provided are used in place of the thumbnail and description of the basemap's item, if provided.

    Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

    BasemapGalleryItem::BasemapGalleryItem(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructor. Takes a basemap and parent object. Constructs an item that represents the given basemap in the gallery.

    Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

    BasemapGalleryItem::BasemapGalleryItem(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructor. Takes a parent object. Constructs an empty item.

    Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

    [signal] void BasemapGalleryItem::basemapChanged()

    Emitted when the basemap has changed.

    Note: Notifier signal for property basemap. Notifier signal for property name.

    [signal] void BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnailChanged()

    Emitted when the thumbnail has changed.

    Note: Notifier signal for property thumbnail.

    [signal] void BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnailOverrideChanged()

    Emitted when the thumbnail override has changed.

    Note: Notifier signal for property thumbnailOverride.

    [signal] void BasemapGalleryItem::tooltipChanged()

    Emitted when the toolip has changed.

    Note: Notifier signal for property tooltip.

    [signal] void BasemapGalleryItem::tooltipOverrideChanged()

    Emitted when the toolip override has changed.

    Note: Notifier signal for property tooltipOverride.

    [override virtual] BasemapGalleryItem::~BasemapGalleryItem()


    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *BasemapGalleryItem::basemap() const

    Returns the basemap this gallery item represents.

    Note: Getter function for property basemap.

    See also setBasemap().

    QString BasemapGalleryItem::name() const

    Returns the name of the basemap.

    Note: Getter function for property name.

    void BasemapGalleryItem::setBasemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *basemap)

    Sets the basemap this gallery item represents.

    Note: Setter function for property basemap.

    See also basemap().

    void BasemapGalleryItem::setThumbnailOverride(QImage thumbnail)

    Sets the thumbnail override of this item, which replaces the thumbnail of the basemap when rendering the gallery.

    Note: Setter function for property thumbnailOverride.

    See also thumbnailOverride().

    void BasemapGalleryItem::setTooltipOverride(QString tooltip)

    Sets the tooltip override of this item, which replaces the tooltip of the basemap when rendering the gallery.

    Note: Setter function for property tooltipOverride.

    See also tooltipOverride().

    QImage BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnail() const

    Returns the thumbnail override of this item if valid. Otherwise returns the thumbnail on the basemap's item, if available. Otherwise, returns the default thumbnail.

    Note: Getter function for property thumbnail.

    See also BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnailOverride.

    QImage BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnailOverride() const

    Returns the thumbnail of this item which overrides the basemap's items' thumbnail in the gallery.

    Note: Getter function for property thumbnailOverride.

    See also setThumbnailOverride() and BasemapGalleryItem::thumbnail.

    QString BasemapGalleryItem::tooltip() const

    Returns the tooltip override of this item if non-empty. Otherwise returns the description on the basemap's item, if available.

    Note: Getter function for property tooltip.

    See also BasemapGalleryItem::tooltipOverride.

    QString BasemapGalleryItem::tooltipOverride() const

    Returns the tooltip of this item which overrides the basemap's items' description in the gallery.

    Note: Getter function for property tooltipOverride.

    See also setTooltipOverride() and BasemapGalleryItem::tooltip.

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