Detect errors in parsed json response

The requests responses from ArcGIS don't return the status code in the response itself but rather from the body in the json. This function checks for the existence of an error. If an error is found, the contents of the error message are bubbled up.


detect_errors(response, error_call = rlang::caller_env())

catch_error(response, error_call = rlang::caller_env())



for detect_errors(), a list typically from RcppSimdJson::fparse(httr2::resp_body_string(resp)). For catch_error(), the string from httr2::resp_body_string(resp).


default rlang::caller_env(). The environment from which to throw the error from.


Nothing. Used for it's side effect. If an error code is encountered in the response an error is thrown with the error code and the error message.


if (FALSE) {
response <- list(
  error = list(
    code = 400L,
    message = "Unable to generate token.",
    details = "Invalid username or password."


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