Manage authorization tokens

These functions are used to set, fetch, and check authorization tokens.


arc_token(token = "ARCGIS_TOKEN")

set_arc_token(token, ...)

unset_arc_token(token = NULL)

obj_check_token(token, call = rlang::caller_env())

check_token_has_user(token, call = rlang::caller_env())



for arc_token(), the name of a token to fetch. For set_arc_token(), it is an httr2_token that will be set. For unset_arc_token(), a character vector of token names to be unset.


named arguments to set httr2_token. Must be valid names and must be an httr2_token.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. call = caller_env(). The corresponding function call is retrieved and mentioned in error messages as the source of the error.

You only need to supply call when throwing a condition from a helper function which wouldn't be relevant to mention in the message.

Can also be NULL or a defused function call to respectively not display any call or hard-code a code to display.

For more information about error calls, see Including function calls in error messages.


It is possible to have multiple authorization tokens in one session. These functions assist you in managing them.

arc_token() is used to fetch tokens by name. The default token is ARCGIS_TOKEN. However, they can be any valid character scalar. set_arc_token() will create store a token with the name ARCGIS_TOKEN. However, you can alternatively set the tokens by name using a key-value pair. The key is what you would pass to arc_token() to fetch the httr2_token object. To remove a token that has been set, use unset_arc_token().

obj_check_token() is a developer oriented function that can be used to check if an object is indeed an httr2_token. To check if a token has expired, validate_or_refresh_token() will do so.

check_token_has_user() is a developer oriented function that checks to see if a token has a username field associated with it.

For developers:

set_arc_token() uses a package level environment to store the tokens. The tokens are fetched from the environment using arc_token().


# create fake tokens
token_a <- httr2::oauth_token("1234", arcgis_host = arc_host())
token_b <- httr2::oauth_token("abcd", arcgis_host = arc_host())

# set token to the default location

# fetch token from the default location
#> <httr2_token>
#>   token_type: bearer
#>   access_token: <REDACTED>
#>   arcgis_host:

# set token by name
set_arc_token(org_a = token_a, org_b = token_b)
#>  Named tokens set: `org_a` and `org_b`
#>  Access named tokens with `arc_token("name")`

# fetch token by name
#> <httr2_token>
#>   token_type: bearer
#>   access_token: <REDACTED>
#>   arcgis_host:
#> <httr2_token>
#>   token_type: bearer
#>   access_token: <REDACTED>
#>   arcgis_host:

# unset tokens
#>  Token `ARCGIS_TOKEN` has been unset.
unset_arc_token(c("org_a", "org_b"))
#>  Tokens `org_a` and `org_b` have been unset.

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