Tile Service Job Summary


The tile service job summary (jobs) resource represents a summary of all jobs associated with a map service. Each job contains a jobid that corresponds to the specific jobid run and redirects you to the Job Statistics page.



Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

JSON Response Syntax

   "total": <jobs>,
   "jobs": "<jobs>",
        "id": "jobid",
        "status": "<Submitted | Done | Canceled | Failed>"
        "type": "<UpdateTiles | DeleteTiles>"
        "submitTime": "<time>"
        "startTime": "<time>"
        "endTime": "<time>"
        "lodInfos": "<lodInfos>"
            "levelID": <levelID>
            "tileCount": <tileCount>
            "expectedTileCount": <expectedTileCount>
            "tilesSize": <tilesSize>
            "status": "<Submitted | Done | Canceled | Failed>"
        "extent": "<extent>"
          "xmin": <xmin>
          "ymin": <ymin>
          "xmax": <xmax>
          "ymax": <ymax>
          "spatialReference": <spatialReference>
            "wkid": "<wkid>"
            "latestWkid": "<lastestWkid>"

JSON Response Example

  "total" : 1, 
  "jobs" : [
      "id" : "e2e8a0bb-4b40-46ac-813a-0bbdf522195f", 
      "status" : "DONE", 
      "type" : "UpdateTiles", 
      "submitTime" : 1355169626437, 
      "startTime" : 1355169628180, 
      "endTime" : 1355169658457, 
      "lodInfos" : [
          "levelID" : 2, 
          "tileCount" : 4, 
          "expectedTileCount" : 4, 
          "tilesSize" : 8427, 
          "status" : "DONE"
      "extent" : {
        "xmin" : -18341650.9613, 
        "ymin" : 4752555.08098706, 
        "xmax" : -7454985.1505, 
        "ymax" : 11203410.6593, 
        "spatialReference" : {
          "wkid" : 102100, 
          "latestWkid" : 3857

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