
object Companion


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Creates a new Symbol style object with a stylx file.

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Creates a new symbol style object from a portal item. The portal item must contain a style. If you have the item id of a style file, you can search the portal to find the item using its item id. Use this constructor if you have a reference to a portal item.

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fun createWithStyleNameAndPortal(styleName: String, portal: Portal? = null): SymbolStyle

Creates a new symbol style object using the registered style name of the Esri web style on the portal. Esri provides a set of web symbol styles "out of the box" for localized use with ArcGIS Online and Enterprise. Users can use this constructor only if you are creating a symbol style using the Esri web style's unique name on your portal or If null is passed for portal parameter, ArcGIS online is used as the default portal. An overview of esri web styles and symbols currently in production is available for 3D and 2D. Tip: Click on the symbol icon to find its associated style name. Esri registered style names can also be found in the json of symbol web style. As an example see item json for EsriThematicShapesStyle hosted on ArcGIS Online.

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fun createWithUrl(webStyleUrl: String): SymbolStyle

Creates a new symbol style object using web style item Url. A symbol style using style item's URL. For example, [] is the URL of the "Basic Shapes" style on ArcGIS Online."