
The VectorMarkerSymbolLayer represents a marker comprising vector graphics. The VectorMarkerSymbolLayer is constructed from a collection of VectorMarkerSymbolElement which define the building blocks of the vector marker.

If it is the sole symbol layer in a MultilayerPointSymbol, this symbol layer places a vector marker at the location of the point feature.

This symbol layer is similar to the Web Scene specification's IconSymbol3DLayer, when the IconSymbol3DLayer references a primitive shape.




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constructor(vectorMarkerSymbolElements: Iterable<VectorMarkerSymbolElement> = mutableListOf())

Creates a vector marker symbol layer with a collection of vector marker symbol elements. This function creates a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer, then sets the given vector of VectorMarkerSymbolElement as the collection comprising the vector marker.


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The collection of vector marker symbol elements held by the vector marker symbol layer. This function takes the input collection and sets it as the element collection of the symbol layer. The existing collection of symbol elements is removed and replaced with the new elements.

Inherited properties

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The anchor object of a marker symbol layer. The SymbolAnchor determines how the MarkerSymbolLayer is anchored. SymbolAnchor specifies the marker's anchor point and anchor placement mode. The default symbol anchor is at XYZ(0, 0, 0) and uses 'relative' mode. See the SymbolAnchor documentation for a detailed description of the object.

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The marker symbol layer's heading: the angle of rotation about the anchor point. The input value can be any real number. The default value is 0. This property affects markers in both maps and scenes. Positive angles rotate the marker counterclockwise.

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The symbol layer color locked property. The color-locked status of the symbol layer. If color_locked is true, the color of that layer will not change.

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The symbol layer enabled property. The enable status of the symbol layer. Layer will be rendered only if it is enabled.

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The marker symbol layer's x-offset. The input value can be any real number. The default value is 0. This property affects markers in both Maps and Scenes. The x-offset is a delta applied to the marker in the direction corresponding to the given value. For example, a positive x-offset moves the marker in the positive-x direction.

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The marker symbol layer's y-offset. The input value can be any real number. The default value is 0. This property affects markers in both Maps and Scenes. The y-offset is a delta applied to the marker in the direction corresponding to the given value. For example, a positive y-offset moves the marker in the positive-y direction.

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The size of marker symbol layer. The input value can be any positive number. The default value is 13.333 DIPs (10 points). A larger size means a larger marker.


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open override fun clone(): VectorMarkerSymbolLayer