<ReductionTypes.h> - Reduction Enums

Collection of Reduction enumerations. More...

Header: #include <ReductionTypes.h>


enum class AggregateStatisticType { Count, Average, Max, Min, Mode, …, Variance }
enum class FeatureReductionType { ClusteringFeatureReduction }

Detailed Description

Type Documentation

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.3] enum class AggregateStatisticType

The list of possible statistic types that can be used for aggregating geoelements.

Defines the type of statistic for summarizing values returned from the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression for geoelements in an AggregateGeoElement.

The AggregateStatisticType can be one of:

AggregateStatisticType::Count0The count of geoelements in an AggregateGeoElement.
AggregateStatisticType::Average1The average of values in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.
AggregateStatisticType::Max2The largest value in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.
AggregateStatisticType::Min3The smallest value in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.
AggregateStatisticType::Mode4The most frequently occurring value in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.
AggregateStatisticType::StandardDeviation5The standard deviation of values in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.
AggregateStatisticType::Sum6The sum of values in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.
AggregateStatisticType::Variance7The variance of values in the AggregateField::statisticFieldName or AggregateField::statisticExpression.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.3.

[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.2] enum class FeatureReductionType

The list of feature reduction types.

The FeatureReductionType can be one of:

FeatureReductionType::ClusteringFeatureReduction1Clustering feature reduction.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 200.2.

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