Collection of Service enumerations. More...
Header: | #include <ServiceTypes.h> |
enum class | AntialiasingMode { None, Fastest, Fast, Normal, Best } |
enum class | DomainType { Unknown, CodedValueDomain, InheritedDomain, RangeDomain } |
enum class | DrawingTool { Unknown, AutoCompletePolygon, Circle, DownArrow, Ellipse, …, UpArrow } |
enum class | EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption { UseOriginalService, UseReducedFontsService } |
enum class | FeatureServiceSessionType { Transient, Persistent } |
enum class | FieldType { Unknown, Int16, Int32, Int64, GUID, …, TimestampOffset } |
enum class | IdInfoType { IdInfo, MapServiceLayerIdInfo, FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo, Unknown } |
enum class | LabelingPlacement { Automatic, Unknown, LineAboveAfter, LineAboveAlong, LineAboveBefore, …, PolygonAlwaysHorizontal } |
enum class | RelationshipCardinality { Unknown, ManyToMany, OneToMany, OneToOne } |
enum class | RelationshipRole { Unknown, Destination, Origin } |
enum class | ServiceCurveGeometryMode { DensifyCurves, TrueCurveClient } |
enum class | ServiceType { Unknown, FeatureService, ImageService, MapService } |
enum class | TextAntialiasingMode { None, Normal, Force } |
enum class | TileImageFormat { PNG, PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, JPG, …, Unknown } |
enum class | TimeRelation { Unknown, Overlaps, AfterStartOverlapsEnd, OverlapsStartWithinEnd } |
enum class | TimeUnit { Unknown, Centuries, Days, Decades, Hours, …, Years } |
enum class | VersionAccess { Public, Protected, Private } |
Detailed Description
Type Documentation
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class AntialiasingMode
Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing items in the map.
The AntialiasingMode can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
AntialiasingMode::None | 0 | No antialiasing is performed. |
AntialiasingMode::Fastest | 1 | Minimal antialiasing is performed, optimized for speed. |
AntialiasingMode::Fast | 2 | Some antialiasing is performed, optimized for speed with better quality than Fastest. |
AntialiasingMode::Normal | 3 | A good balance of speed and quality. |
AntialiasingMode::Best | 4 | The best quality antialiasing. This option takes the longest to render. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class DomainType
Enumerates the type of domain.
The DomainType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
DomainType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown domain type. |
DomainType::CodedValueDomain | 0 | The coded value domain type. |
DomainType::InheritedDomain | 1 | The inherited domain type. |
DomainType::RangeDomain | 2 | The range domain type. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class DrawingTool
Enumerates the drawing tool that could be used to draw a feature in an editing application.
The DrawingTool can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
DrawingTool::Unknown | -1 | Unknown drawing tool. |
DrawingTool::AutoCompletePolygon | 0 | The auto complete polygon tool. |
DrawingTool::Circle | 1 | The circle tool. |
DrawingTool::DownArrow | 2 | The down arrow tool. |
DrawingTool::Ellipse | 3 | The ellipse tool. |
DrawingTool::FreeHand | 4 | The free hand tool. |
DrawingTool::LeftArrow | 5 | The left arrow tool. |
DrawingTool::Line | 6 | The line tool. |
DrawingTool::None | 7 | No tool. |
DrawingTool::Point | 8 | The point tool. |
DrawingTool::Polygon | 9 | The polygon tool. |
DrawingTool::Rectangle | 10 | The rectangle tool. |
DrawingTool::RightArrow | 11 | The right arrow tool. |
DrawingTool::Text | 12 | The text tool. |
DrawingTool::Triangle | 13 | The triangle tool. |
DrawingTool::UpArrow | 14 | The up arrow tool. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10]
enum class EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption
Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service.
When taking an Esri vector tiled basemap service offline (e.g. to create a VectorTileCache on your device), you can choose from different versions of the service depending on your use case.
Primary considerations are the download speed and the size of the resulting .vtpk
file. Among other things, file size is influenced by the amount of fonts downloaded from the service. Esri vector tiled basemap layers make use of fonts as part of their style resources - see the Vector Tile Style documentation. When you take a vector tiled layer offline, these fonts are downloaded as part of the VectorTileCache.
Esri services also offer an alternative version with a reduced font package size which will reduce the download size of a vtpk by around 80 Mb. You can view a set of vector tile styles which use the reduced font services here. If you are creating a web map that is only intended for taking maps offline and not for online-viewing, these "for export" versions of the services are recommended.
This enumeration describes options for controlling which set of fonts are downloaded. Note that these options only apply to Esri vector tile basemap services.
The EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption::UseOriginalService | 0 | The complete set of vector tile resources for the original service, including the full set of fonts, will be downloaded. Downloading all font resources increases the download size of a .vtpk. However, this option ensures that the offline vector tile layer displays the same as the original online service. |
EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption::UseReducedFontsService | 1 | An alternative service that uses a reduced set of font resources, supporting a limited set of language characters, will be downloaded. Downloading the smaller set of font resources reduces the download size of a .vtpk by around 80 Mb. This omits the large Arial Unicode font that is used to support many characters for the full world basemap. This makes this option unsuitable for some locales or when your offline vector tiled layer includes certain character sets. For example, this option will not display Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean or Georgian characters. You should confirm that this option is suitable for your specific use-case. |
You can view a set of vector tile styles which use the reduced font services here. This option is not recommended for Esri basemap services that do not have an equivalent "for export" version.
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10]
enum class FeatureServiceSessionType
An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data.
Session types—transient and persistent—let you control how multiple viewers and editors access branch versioned feature services. By default, a web map or web scene with branch versioned feature services (a ServiceGeodatabase version) loads as a FeatureServiceSessionType::Transient type; you can change this type to FeatureServiceSessionType::Persistent at the map or scene level when you load the map or scene.
When you switch the ServiceGeodatabase version being used via ServiceGeodatabase::switchVersionAsync(QString), a read operation is started on the new version before releasing the previous version. If acquiring a shared lock on the new version fails (for example, if another user is editing the version), an error is raised. This behavior allows you to keep the user connected to the original version when the version they want is not yet available.
For additional ways to manage multiple viewers and editors in branch versioned data, such as using multiple tiers of editors, see the ArcGIS Pro discussion on branch version scenarios.
The FeatureServiceSessionType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
FeatureServiceSessionType::Transient | 0 | - A momentary session is used during queries and edit operations. This is the default session type. The server creates an exclusive lock upon an editor's ServiceGeodatabase::applyEditsAsync operation and holds the lock only for the duration that it takes that operation to occur. An exclusive lock prevents readers and editors from accessing (connecting to and viewing) the rows affected by the edit in the ServiceGeodatabase version during this time, but they can access (connect to, view, query, and edit) other rows in the ServiceGeodatabase version. Use the transient type when concurrency is more important than data consistency between queries or between concurrent users. |
FeatureServiceSessionType::Persistent | 1 | - A session is held open as long as tables are actively reading or writing.
If one or more read operations were already being performed on the ServiceFeatureTable when an edit operation began (if a shared lock was already in place), then the shared lock becomes an exclusive lock. When all edit operations are applied successfully, the exclusive lock returns to being a shared lock.
A call to ServiceGeodatabase::closeAsync will release an exclusive lock.
Note that if the ServiceGeodatabase version requested is the default version, no exclusive lock will be acquired.
Edit operations that trigger the locks described above:
- FeatureTable::addFeatureAsync(Feature)
- FeatureTable::addFeaturesAsync(QStringList)
- FeatureTable::deleteFeatureAsync(Feature)
- FeatureTable::deleteFeaturesAsync(QStringList)
- FeatureTable::updateFeatureAsync(Feature)
- FeatureTable::updateFeaturesAsync(QStringList)
- ArcGISFeature::addAttachmentAsync(QString, QString, ByteArrayStruct)
- ArcGISFeature::updateAttachmentAsync(Attachment, QString, QString, ByteArrayStruct)
- ArcGISFeature::deleteAttachmentAsync(Attachment)
- ArcGISFeature::deleteAttachmentsAsync(QStringList)
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class FieldType
Enumerates the type of value stored in a field.
The FieldType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
FieldType::Unknown | -1 | An unknown type. |
FieldType::Int16 | 0 | A 16-bit integer value. |
FieldType::Int32 | 1 | A 32-bit integer value. |
FieldType::Int64 | 2 | A 64-bit integer value. |
FieldType::GUID | 3 | A GUID value. |
FieldType::Float32 | 4 | A float value. |
FieldType::Float64 | 5 | A double value. |
FieldType::Date | 6 | A date time value. |
FieldType::Text | 7 | A string value. |
FieldType::OID | 8 | An object id value. |
FieldType::GlobalID | 9 | A global id value. |
FieldType::Blob | 10 | A blob value. |
FieldType::Geometry | 11 | A geometry value. |
FieldType::Raster | 12 | A raster value. |
FieldType::Xml | 13 | An XML value. |
FieldType::DateOnly | 14 | A date only value. |
FieldType::TimeOnly | 15 | A time only value. |
FieldType::TimestampOffset | 16 | A timestamp offset value. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class IdInfoType
Enumerates the type of IdInfo.
The IdInfoType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
IdInfoType::IdInfo | 0 | Simple IdInfo with ID and name. |
IdInfoType::MapServiceLayerIdInfo | 1 | MapServiceLayerIdInfo with more info: default visibility, min/max scales, parent layer ID, sublayer IDs. |
IdInfoType::FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo | 2 | FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo with more info: default visibility, min/max scales, geometry type, service type. |
IdInfoType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown IdInfo type. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class LabelingPlacement
Enumerates the placement of a label in relation to a geometry.
This is used to specify the preferred position of the text label, with respect to its feature geometry.
The LabelingPlacement can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
LabelingPlacement::Automatic | -2 | Default position for the label, dependent on the type of feature being labeled. |
LabelingPlacement::Unknown | -1 | Preferred placement position has not been specified. |
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveAfter | 0 | Lower-left corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment. |
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveAlong | 1 | Lower midpoint of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry; label follows the geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveBefore | 2 | Lower right corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment. |
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveEnd | 3 | Lower right corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveStart | 4 | Lower left corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label follows the first geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowAfter | 5 | Upper left corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment. |
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowAlong | 6 | Upper midpoint of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry, label follows the geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowBefore | 7 | Upper right corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment. |
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowEnd | 8 | Upper right corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowStart | 9 | Upper left corner of label is at first geometry coordinate, label follows the first geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterAfter | 10 | Left midpoint of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment. |
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterAlong | 11 | Center of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry; label follows the geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterBefore | 12 | Right midpoint of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment. |
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterEnd | 13 | Right midpoint of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterStart | 14 | Left midpoint of label is at first geometry coordinate; label follows the first geometry segments. |
LabelingPlacement::PointAboveCenter | 15 | Lower midpoint of label is offset north of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointAboveLeft | 16 | Lower-right corner of the label is offset northwest of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointAboveRight | 17 | Lower left corner of the label is offset North-east of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointBelowCenter | 18 | Upper midpoint of label is offset South of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointBelowLeft | 19 | Upper right corner of the label is offset South-west of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointBelowRight | 20 | Upper left corner of the label is offset South-east of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointCenterCenter | 21 | Center of label is placed on geometry point. |
LabelingPlacement::PointCenterLeft | 22 | Right midpoint of label is offset West of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PointCenterRight | 23 | Left midpoint of label is offset East of point symbol. |
LabelingPlacement::PolygonAlwaysHorizontal | 24 | Center of label is as far inside polygon as possible. Note that if a polygon contains holes (defined as counter-clockwise rings),labels will not be placed within those holes. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1]
enum class RelationshipCardinality
An enumeration of the different cardinalities of feature table relationships.
The RelationshipCardinality can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
RelationshipCardinality::Unknown | -1 | Unknown relationship cardinality. |
RelationshipCardinality::ManyToMany | 0 | Features in both tables may be related to any number of features in the other table.. |
RelationshipCardinality::OneToMany | 1 | An origin feature can be related to any number of features in the destination table. |
RelationshipCardinality::OneToOne | 2 | An origin feature can be related to at most one feature in the destination table. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1]
enum class RelationshipRole
An enumeration of the different roles of feature table relationships.
The RelationshipRole can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
RelationshipRole::Unknown | -1 | Unknown relationship role. |
RelationshipRole::Destination | 0 | Represents the destination table in a relationship. |
RelationshipRole::Origin | 1 | Represents the origin table in a relationship. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12]
enum class ServiceCurveGeometryMode
How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves.
By default, curve geometries are not fetched from services that support curves, meaning that densified versions of any curve geometries are fetched from the service. By default, this API is not a true curve-enabled client when sending updates to services that support curves. Use ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment::serviceCurveGeometryMode to change this default behavior.
For details of curve support in services, see ArcGIS REST API documentation.
The ServiceCurveGeometryMode can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
ServiceCurveGeometryMode::DensifyCurves | 0 | Densified versions of geometries with curves are fetched. This is the default. |
ServiceCurveGeometryMode::TrueCurveClient | 2 | Curve geometries are fetched, and this API acts as a true-curve client when editing. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class ServiceType
An enumeration of the different types of ArcGIS services.
The ServiceType can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
ServiceType::Unknown | -1 | Unknown service type. |
ServiceType::FeatureService | 0 | Feature service type. |
ServiceType::ImageService | 1 | Image service type. |
ServiceType::MapService | 2 | Map service type. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class TextAntialiasingMode
Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing text in the map.
The TextAntialiasingMode can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
TextAntialiasingMode::None | 0 | No text antialiasing is performed. |
TextAntialiasingMode::Normal | 1 | Antialiasing is performed as determined by the font. Each individual font has parameters created within it by the font author that define which sizes the font should draw with antialiasing. |
TextAntialiasingMode::Force | 2 | Text is always drawn with antialiasing, regardless of the individual font's parameters. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class TileImageFormat
The image formats supported by tiled layers.
The TileImageFormat can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
TileImageFormat::PNG | 0 | PNG. |
TileImageFormat::PNG8 | 1 | 8-bit PNG. |
TileImageFormat::PNG24 | 2 | 24-bit PNG. |
TileImageFormat::PNG32 | 3 | 32-bit PNG. |
TileImageFormat::JPG | 4 | JPEG. |
TileImageFormat::MIXED | 5 | Mixed (JPEG in the center of the cache and PNG 32 on the edge of the cache). |
TileImageFormat::LERC | 6 | Limited Error Raster Compression. |
TileImageFormat::Unknown | -1 | Unknown. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class TimeRelation
Indicates how the start and end time of the time slider extent are processed.
The TimeRelation can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
TimeRelation::Unknown | -1 | Unknown time relation. |
TimeRelation::Overlaps | 0 | When start and end time of the time slider are included. |
TimeRelation::AfterStartOverlapsEnd | 1 | When start time is included and end time is excluded. |
TimeRelation::OverlapsStartWithinEnd | 2 | When start time is excluded and end time is included. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0]
enum class TimeUnit
Enumerates the temporal unit of measurement.
The TimeUnit can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
TimeUnit::Unknown | -1 | Unknown. |
TimeUnit::Centuries | 0 | Centuries. |
TimeUnit::Days | 1 | Days. |
TimeUnit::Decades | 2 | Decades. |
TimeUnit::Hours | 3 | Hours. |
TimeUnit::Milliseconds | 4 | Milliseconds. |
TimeUnit::Minutes | 5 | Minutes. |
TimeUnit::Months | 6 | Months. |
TimeUnit::Seconds | 7 | Seconds. |
TimeUnit::Weeks | 8 | Weeks. |
TimeUnit::Years | 9 | Years. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
[since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9]
enum class VersionAccess
The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.
The VersionAccess can be one of:
Constant | Value | Description |
VersionAccess::Public | 0 | The version is public. Any portal user can view and edit the version. |
VersionAccess::Protected | 1 | The version is protected. Any portal user can view, but only the version owner, feature layer owner, and portal administrator can edit the version. |
VersionAccess::Private | 2 | The version is private. Only the version owner, feature layer owner, and portal administrator can view and edit the version. |
This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.