BasemapGallery QML Type

  • BasemapGallery
  • The user interface for the BasemapGallery. More...

    Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12



    Detailed Description

    The BasemapGallery displays a collection of items representing basemaps from either ArcGIS Online, a user-defined portal, or an array of Basemaps. When the user selects a basemap from the BasemapGallery, the basemap rendered in the current geoModel is removed from the given map/scene and replaced with the basemap selected in the gallery.

    BasemapGallery {
        id: gallery
        controller: demo.controller
        anchors {
            right: parent.right
            margins: 10

    Note: By default, the BasemapGallery will attempt to fetch the set of developer basemaps, which require an access token to access.

    Property Documentation

    allowTooltips : bool

    When this property is true, mouse-hover tooltips are enabled for gallery items.

    Defaults to true.

    controller : var

    The controller handles binding logic between the BasemapGallery and the GeoModel and the Portal where applicable.

    The CPP controller is documented here.

    currentBasemap : var

    Currently applied basemap on the associated GeoModel. This may be a basemap which does not exist in the gallery.

    The list of basemaps currently visible in the gallery. Items added or removed from this list will update the gallery.

    geoModel : var

    The GeoModel for this tool. Should be a Scene or a Map.

    portal : var

    The Portal contains basemaps which will be fetched and displayed in the gallery if applicable. When a valid Portal is set then `Portal.fetchBasemapsAsync` is immediately called.

    Note: Changing the current active portal will reset the contents of the gallery.

    style : int

    The style of the basemap gallery. The gallery can be displayed as a list, grid, or automatically switch between the two based on screen real estate.

    Defaults to ViewStyle.Automatic.

    Method Documentation

    void setGeoModelFromGeoView(GeoView view)

    Convenience function for QML/C++ users which allows the map/scene to be extracted from a SceneView or MapView assigned to view in QML code.

    This is only a concern as [Map/Scene]QuickView does not expose a [Map/Scene] property in QML.

    For example, to hook up BasemapGallery with a MapQuickView:

    MapView {
       BasemapGallery {
           id: gallery
           anchors {
               left: view.left
               margins: 5
       onMapChanged: gallery.setGeoModelFromGeoView(this)

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