
The Analysis widget provides an easy way to use ArcGIS Online spatial analysis tools in your application.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Analysis widget.



Object array. The default is empty. The properties of the array item are as follows:

  • name—String. The analysis tool name. Available values include the following:
    • AggregatePoints
    • CalculateDensity
    • ConnectOriginsToDestinations
    • CreateBuffers
    • CreateDriveTimeAreas
    • CreateViewshed
    • CreateWatersheds
    • DeriveNewLocations
    • DissolveBoundaries
    • EnrichLayer
    • ExtractData
    • FindExistingLocations
    • FindHotSpots
    • FindNearest
    • FindSimilarLocations
    • InterpolatePoints
    • MergeLayers
    • OverlayLayers
    • PlanRoutes
    • SummarizeNearby
    • SummarizeWithin
    • TraceDownstream
  • showHelp—Boolean. Whether to show the help links in the widget.
  • showCredits—Boolean. Whether to display the Show credits option in the widget.
  • showChooseExtent—Boolean. Whether to display the Use current map extent option in the widget.
  • showReadyToUseLayers—Boolean. Whether to show the ready-to-use layers from ArcGIS Online ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.
  • returnFeatureCollection—Boolean. Whether to save the result in the user’s account.
  • toolLabel—String. The customized name for the analysis tool.


"analysisTools": [{
"name": "AggregatePoints",
"showHelp": false,
"showCredits": false,
"showChooseExtent ": true,
"showReadyToUseLayers ": true,
"returnFeatureCollection ": false,
"toolLabel ": "My Aggregate tool"

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