Report class

The Report class allows you to print a file with a map, tables, and supporting elements.

AMD Module Require

require(["jimu/dijit/Report"], function(Report) { /* code goes here */ });


new Report(params)

Creates a new Report dijit.


<String> printTaskUrl—Required. URL of the print task.

<String> reportLogo—Optional. URL of the logo image. The report logo placeholder is hidden unless a value is provided.

<Object> reportLayout—Optional. Contains details for page size and orientation. The default is as follows:

  "pageSize": PageUtils.PageSizes.A4,
  "orientation": PageUtils.Orientation.Portrait

<Number> tableCols—Optional. Can be used to define a set number of table columns for the report. It is overridden by tableCols specified for individual print data objects. The default is 3.

<Boolean> alignNumbersToRight—Optional. Supports RTL and LTR. The default is false.

<Array> styleSheets—Optional. Collection of style sheets to override default report styling. Default values are defined in the provided HTML template at jimu/dijit/templates/ReportTemplate.html.

<String> styleText—Optional. CSS style text to be applied to the report header.

<String> footNotes—Optional. Values to add to the report footer.

Example 1:

Use the ArcGIS Online print task within the report to generate a printer-ready version of the map.

require(['jimu/dijit/Report', 'jimu/dijit/PageUtils'], function(Report, PageUtils){
             var report = new Report({
            reportLogo: "http://myserver/images/CompanyLogo.png",
            footNotes: "Report Generated by My Department",
            printTaskUrl: "",
            reportLayout: {
              "pageSize": PageUtils.PageSizes.A4,
              "orientation": PageUtils.Orientation.Landscape
            styleSheets: ["http://myserver/css/reportDijitOverrides.css"]
          var data = [];
            addPageBreak: true,
            type: "map",


          report.print("MyTitle", data);


Example 2:

Use a custom print task within the report to generate a printer-ready version of the map based on the defined ArcGIS PrintTemplate.

require(['jimu/dijit/Report', 'jimu/dijit/PageUtils', 'esri/tasks/PrintTemplate'], function(Report, PageUtils, PrintTemplate){
          var report = new Report({
            reportLogo: "http://myserver/images/CompanyLogo.png",
            footNotes: "Report Generated by My Department",
            printTaskUrl: " http://myserver/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task",
            reportLayout: {
              "pageSize": PageUtils.PageSizes.A4,
              "orientation": PageUtils.Orientation.Landscape
            styleSheets: ["http://myserver/css/reportDijitOverrides.css"]

          var printTemplate = new PrintTemplate(); 
          printTemplate.layout = "Custom Template From My Print Service";
          printTemplate.format = "PNG32";
          var data = [];
            addPageBreak: true,
            type: "map",
            printTemplate: printTemplate


          report.print("MyTitle", data);



print (reportTitle, printData)

Prints the provided data to an HTML page. The default HTML template is provided at jimu/dijit/templates/ReportTemplate.html.


<reportTitle> String—Optional. The value to be displayed as the report title.

<printData> Array—Required. Array of data objects that will be printed to the map. Supported types are map, table, and html.

Data objects


A map object provides a way for you print an ArcGIS JavaScript map object in the report. When using a custom print service, provide an ArcGIS PrintTemplate to the MAP object to define the appropriate layout options to be used in the report.

  addPageBreak: Boolean,
  type: String,
  map: Object
  addPageBreak: true,
  type: "map",


A table object provides a way for you print rows and columns of data in the report.

  title: String,
  addPageBreak: Boolean,
  type: String,
  tableCols: Number,
  data: {
    showRowIndex: Boolean,
    rows: Array,
    cols: Array
  title: “Impact Area by State”,
  addPageBreak: false,
  type: "table",
  tableCols: 3,
  data: {
    showRowIndex: false,
    rows: [[“Colorado”, “14526”, “45”],[“California”, “32076”, “67”]],
    cols: [“Name”, “Area”, “Count”]


An HTML object provides a way for you to add HTML elements to the report.

  title: String
  type: String,
  data: String
  title: "Distribution of Impact by State",
  type: "html",
  data: '<img id="chartImage" style="width: 250px; height: 200px;" src="http://myserver/images/graphic.png">'


A note object provides an editable text area that can be updated dynamically by the user in the report preview window prior to printing.

  type: String,
  type: "note",

The following is the list of CSS class selectors that can be overridden to control aspects of report styling.


Defaults are provided with the HTML template at jimu/dijit/templates/ReportTemplate.html.




.esriCTTable th

.esriCTTable td












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