This sample demonstrates how to filter binned data on a FeatureLayer. Binning is a method of aggregating features in a FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, GeoJSONLayer, WFSLayer, or OGCFeatureLayer by grouping them to predefined bins.
Filtering on the layer view or layer of binned features works exactly the same as it does on a non-binned dataset.
Related samples and resources
Learn how to aggregate features spatially using bins.

Binning with aggregate fields
This sample demonstrates how to define aggregate fields that can be used in the popup, labels, and renderer of a binned layer.

Binning - Filter by category
Demonstrates how to filter binned data by category.

Summarize binned data using Arcade
Use Arcade in popups to summarize binned crimes by type

Intro to clustering
Intro to clustering
Read the Core API Reference for more information.