Enums.KmlTourStatus enumeration

The KmlTourStatus can be one of:

Enums.KmlTourStatusNotInitialized(0) The KML tour is not initilaized. This is the default status. Set the tour on a tour controller to initialize it.
Enums.KmlTourStatusInitializing(1) This status is set as soon as a KML tour is set on a tour controller.
Enums.KmlTourStatusInitialized(2) This status is set when a KML tour is successfully initialized. If intialization fails, the status is set to Enums.KmlTourStatusNotInitialized.
Enums.KmlTourStatusPlaying(3) This status is set when a KML tour starts playing.
Enums.KmlTourStatusPaused(4) This status is set when a KML tour is paused.
Enums.KmlTourStatusCompleted(5) This status is set when a KML tour is completed.

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