Enums.UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics enumeration

Determines the behavior that occurs when attempting to delete a feature which has containment or structural attachment associations to other features.

The UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics can be one of:

Enums.UtilityAssociationDeletionSemanticsNone(0) Any associated features will not be deleted, but the associations will no longer exist. Default for Enums.UtilityAssociationRoleStructure.
Enums.UtilityAssociationDeletionSemanticsCascade(1) Any associations features will be deleted.
Enums.UtilityAssociationDeletionSemanticsRestricted(2) If the feature has any associations, deleting the feature will fail. Default for Enums.UtilityAssociationRoleContainer.

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