See also QML Enumeration List.
A location data source object | |
Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters | |
Base class for those classes used to render analysis results in a scene view | |
A list model storing a list of analyses available in a AnalysisOverlay | |
Manages the display of one or more analyses in a scene view | |
A list model storing a list of analysis overlays available in the scene view | |
Indicates the units of measurement of an instance of AngularUnit, or an angular measurement operation | |
A layer that can visualize annotation text data | |
Allows you to interrogate the properties of a sublayer within an annotation layer and to change the visibility of the sublayer | |
Base type for types that support getting and setting the API key of an object | |
A Feature stored in an ArcGISFeatureTable | |
Information about an individual layer in an ArcGIS feature service | |
A list model storing a list of ArcGISFeature objects | |
Information about an ArcGIS feature service | |
A feature table created from an ArcGIS feature service | |
Represents options to display a grid on top of a map | |
Read-only metadata from the image service | |
A base type for items in data stores, such as Portal or a map package | |
A layer based on a dynamic ArcGIS Map service | |
A sublayer of an ArcGISMapImageLayer | |
Read-only metadata from the map service | |
Information about an individual sublayer in an ArcGIS map service | |
Contains methods and properties for managing runtime components, configuring your operating environment and licensing your app for deployment | |
A layer that displays 3D features from a scene service | |
A sublayer of a Layer | |
A list model storing a list of sublayers available in a Layer | |
A tile based elevation source | |
Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service, by using pre-generated tiles | |
A sublayer of an ArcGISTiledLayer | |
Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source | |
Provides information about the execution context where an Arcade console function is invoked | |
Result from the successful evaluation of an Arcade Expression | |
This object allows you to evaluate an ArcadeExpression under a given Enums.ArcadeProfile | |
An Arcade expression object containing an expression, a name, a return type, and a title | |
An expression script using the Arcade language | |
Indicates the units of measurement of an instance of AreaUnit, or area measurement operation | |
A feature attachment | |
A list model storing a list of Attachments available for an ArcGISFeature | |
Represents a pop-up element of type attachments that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement | |
A list model storing a list of key-value pairs to be used as attributes for a Feature or Graphic | |
A placeholder for attribute values that can change for a particular network analysis | |
An authentication challenge used when accessing secured resources | |
A singleton instance to manage authentication | |
Defines the default color and context grid for display behind a map or scene surface | |
A base class for stretch raster renderers | |
A basemap that can be displayed in a map | |
Result of fetching the basemaps available for a portal | |
A Bing Maps layer displays map content from a Bing Maps web service, providing access to static map tiles and imagery metadata | |
Blends a hillshade with the original raster by specifying the elevation data | |
Represents a saved location on a Map | |
A list model storing a list of Bookmarks available in a Map | |
Data for a Callout view | |
3D view description modeled as a virtual camera | |
A base class for all camera controllers | |
Base type for types that support the cancelation of asynchronous tasks | |
A class break object used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range of values | |
A list model storing a list of class breaks available in a ClassBreaksRenderer | |
A renderer that displays various symbols based on ranges of attribute values | |
Parameters for a ClosestFacilityTask, such as facilities, incidents, barriers, and whether to return directions | |
Result from a ClosestFacilityTask | |
A ClosestFacilityRoute contains information about the route to maneuver between an incident and a facility | |
A task to find a closest facility route between facilities and incidents | |
Information about a ClosestFacilityTask | |
Defines valid values for a field | |
An object that describes a CodedValue to be created | |
A list model storing coded value descriptions | |
A domain which specifies an explicit set of valid values for a field | |
An object that describes a CodedValueDomain to be created | |
A ColorRamp object for use in a StretchRenderer | |
A ColorRamp subclass for the DEM Light type | |
A ColorRamp subclass for the DEM Screen type | |
A ColorRamp subclass for the Elevation type | |
A Colormap object, which can be used with a ColormapRenderer | |
A ColormapRenderer provides a discrete mapping of raster pixel values to colors | |
Represents a set of symbols that make up a single symbol | |
An object that defines a contingency | |
An object that defines a contingency constraint violation | |
An object that indicates any domain value is allowed in a contingency | |
An object that defines a coded value specified in a contingency | |
An object that indicates a null value is allowed in a contingency | |
An object that defines a min and max range specified in a contingency | |
An object that defines possible field values for fields participating in contingent field groups | |
An object that defines a contingent values definition | |
An object that defines possible values for a field in the context of the contingent field groups it participates in | |
Converts between points and formatted coordinate notation strings | |
An attribute used to measure and model impedance on the network, such as travel time (transit time on a street) | |
A credential used for accessing secured ArcGIS services and portals | |
A cache containing credentials to reuse | |
Pair of Credential and Error objects indicating why revocation of the associated Credential failed | |
A cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry | |
A location data source object that allows you to supply a custom implementation | |
A Geometric effect object that transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps | |
A class to convert between two coordinate systems | |
A default location data source object | |
A renderer that displays advanced military symbols obtained from a DictionarySymbolStyle | |
A dictionary symbol style object containing symbol primitives and rules for generating symbols from attribute values | |
Configuration settings for a custom DictionarySymbolStyle | |
A layer that can visualize dimension features data | |
A general description of an event that is happening while navigating | |
Information about a specific maneuver that must be made in a Route | |
A list model storing a list of DirectionManeuver for a Route | |
A detailed textual representation of a direction that is obtained from a DirectionManeuever or DirectionEvent | |
Represents a type used for limiting which features are rendered | |
Provides definition on how features are filtered from the display | |
A container class storing a list of display filters | |
Contains the distance measurement data associated with a specific distance component | |
A dynamic composite 3D symbol that changes symbology according to the distance to the camera | |
Contains a symbol distance range at which the symbol is appropriately viewed | |
A list model of DistanceSymbolRange objects | |
Base type for domains which specify the set of valid values for a field | |
An object that describes a domain to be created | |
A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow | |
Parameters used for creating a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob | |
Result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob | |
Drawing information about a sublayer of map or feature service | |
Information about edit tracking fields | |
Result of an edit operation, such as add, delete, or update | |
Information about a feature service's editor tracking configuration | |
Represents a Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service that is provided by the portal | |
Base class for elevation source classes such as ArcGISTiledElevationSource | |
A list model storing a list of elevation sources available in a Scene | |
An elliptic arc segment for use in a multipart geometry | |
A single Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) data source object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) dataset object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) display categories object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) display settings object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) environment settings object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) exchange set object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) feature object | |
A layer that displays ENC data | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) mariner settings object | |
Visibility settings for Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) text groups | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) viewing group settings object | |
Represents a rectangular area, defined by a minimum and maximum x coordinate and a minimum and maximum y coordinate, and a spatial reference | |
Helper type for building immutable Envelope geometries | |
Information | |
A job returned by the ExportTileCacheTask::estimateTileCacheSize method | |
Size estimate of a tile cache requested by ExportTileCacheTask | |
Details, that indicate whether a given package is out of date | |
A job returned by the ExportTileCacheTask::exportTileCache method, which exports a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) from a service | |
Parameters for estimating the size of and exporting a tile cache with the ExportTileCacheTask | |
A dictionary containing key/value pairs of OfflineMapParametersKey to ExportTileCacheParameters | |
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) | |
A job that exports vector tiles from a service, or exports an item resource cache from a portal item | |
Parameters for exporting a vector tile cache from a service or PortalItem using an ExportTileCacheTask | |
A dictionary containing key/value pairs of OfflineMapParametersKey to ExportVectorTilesParameters | |
Result of a vector tile export task | |
A task used to export vector tiles and their style resources | |
Represents a pop-up element of type expression that defines a pop-up element with an Arcade expression | |
Runtime extension license information | |
A facility used with a closest facility task | |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains facilities for a floor-aware map or scene | |
A global factory object that contains all factory objects in the ArcGISRuntime QML plugin | |
Base type for a single feature from a FeatureTable | |
A container for a collection of FeatureCollectionTables | |
A layer that can visualize a FeatureCollection | |
An individual table that can be stored in a FeatureCollection | |
A list model that stores a list of feature collection tables in a feature collection | |
Result of an feature edit operation, such as add, delete, or update | |
Geotrigger fence data created from features | |
An iterator for a collection of features | |
A layer that can display features from a FeatureTable on a map | |
Encapsulates two associated objects of specific types: FeatureLayer and OfflineMapSyncLayerResult | |
Contains the features that have been returned from a query | |
Capabilities supported by a given feature service | |
Information about the feature service metadata for an ArcGIS Feature Service | |
Base type for types that are a collection of features | |
Encapsulates properties of subtypes of features in a feature layer | |
Base type for types that represent a table of features | |
Edit results of a specific FeatureTable | |
Encapsulates two associated objects of specific types: FeatureTable and Error | |
A list model storing a list of tables available in a Map or related to another FeatureTable | |
Encapsulates two associated objects of specific types: FeatureTable and OfflineCapability | |
Encapsulates two associated objects of specific types: FeatureTable and OfflineMapSyncLayerResult | |
Represents all of the information needed to create a feature | |
Encapsulates properties of types of features in a feature layer | |
A Geotrigger that defines regions or fences to be monitored using a GeotriggerMonitor | |
A GeotriggerNotificationInfo from a FenceGeotrigger | |
Geotrigger fence data required for a FenceGeotrigger | |
Information about a field for a feature table | |
An object that describes a Field to be created. Creation of fields and tables is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via GeodatabaseUtility::create() | |
A list model storing a list of FieldDescription objects in a TableDescription | |
An object that defines a field group | |
Represents a pop-up element of type fields that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement | |
Base type for fill symbols | |
Base class for fill symbol layers | |
An interface that can be implemented by layers that support floor filtering | |
A facility that contains one or more levels for a floor-aware map or scene | |
A floor level within a facility for a floor-aware map or scene | |
Manages the data displayed by a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels | |
A site containing one or more facilities for a floor-aware map or scene | |
Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters including the use of frame and camera text files | |
A job returned by the GeodatabaseSyncTask::generateGeodatabase method | |
Parameters to sync data of a sync-enabled geodatabase | |
A dictionary containing key/value pairs of OfflineMapParametersKey to GenerateGeodatabaseParameters | |
Options defining what data to generate for a specific layer or table when creating a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
A job to generate an offline map from an online map | |
Gives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile cache packages that make up the data of an offline map | |
Parameters used for creating a GenerateOfflineMapJob | |
Result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob | |
An interface for types representing abstract geographic entities | |
An analysis object that evaluates visibility along a line defined by observer and target GeoElement objects | |
An analysis object that renders a viewshed for a specified GeoElement | |
A base class for either a Map or a Scene | |
Contains floor-awareness settings for a map or scene | |
Open, standards-based, compact format for transferring geospatial information | |
A GeoPackageFeatureTable is a feature table contained within a GeoPackage | |
A GeoPackageRaster is a raster contained within a GeoPackage | |
Base type for working with views in an MVC architecture | |
Parameters for geocoding using a LocatorTask | |
A match candidate returned from a LocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation | |
A mobile geodatabase on the local file system | |
An abstract representation of a dataset within a geodatabase | |
Represents the delta files created to synchronize changes to a Geodatabase | |
A feature table coming from a geodatabase | |
A task to download and sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
A utility that contains methods to sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
A utility that contains methods to create a mobile geodatabase | |
Parameters for the GeometryEngine::ellipseGeodesic method | |
Parameters for the GeometryEngine::sectorGeodesic method | |
A result of the GeometryEngine::distanceGeodetic method | |
Used to transform coordinates of geometries between spatial references that have two different geographic coordinate systems | |
A step in the process of transforming between datums | |
A base class for multilayer symbol geometric effect | |
A list model storing a list of geometric effects | |
Base type for types that represent geometric shapes | |
Base type for types used to create immutable geometries | |
Provides a set of methods to perform geometric operations on geometry instances | |
A Boolean input or output parameter | |
A data file input or output parameter | |
A date input or output parameter | |
A double input or output parameter | |
A read-only set of features that are returned from GeoprocessingFeatures | |
A features (or records) input or output parameter | |
A geoprocessing job used to run the geoprocessing task on the service | |
A linear unit input or output parameter | |
A 32-bit integer input or output parameter | |
A multi value input or output parameter which contains a collection of values having a single geoprocessing parameter type | |
Base type for all parameter types that can be used in geoprocessing | |
Describes a geoprocessing parameter | |
Contains input parameters that are sent to the target geoprocessing task | |
A raster input or output parameter | |
Output parameters returned from the service | |
A string input or output parameter | |
Used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service | |
Information about a geoprocessing task | |
Represents a geoprocessing parameter of type Unknown | |
A condition monitored by a GeotriggerMonitor | |
Feed data required for a Geotrigger | |
A list of Geotrigger conditions | |
A GeotriggerMonitor monitors a Geotrigger condition and, when it is met, results in a GeotriggerNotificationInfo | |
Provides details about a Geotrigger condition that has been met | |
Presents information on a set of Geotrigger objects defined for a GeoModel | |
Globe camera controller provides free roaming camera navigation around the globe | |
A visual element displayed in a GraphicsOverlay | |
Geotrigger fence parameters data created from graphics | |
A list model storing a list of graphics available in a GraphicsOverlay | |
A graphics overlay can display graphics on top of a GeoView | |
Geotrigger fence parameters data created from a GraphicsOverlay | |
A list model storing a list of graphics overlays available in a GeoView | |
A layer that is a container for other layers and group layers | |
A HatchFillSymbolLayer represents a polygon geometry filled with hatch lines | |
A renderer based on a heat map | |
A hillshade raster renderer | |
A histogram equalization stretch parameters object | |
Used to transform coordinates of z-aware geometries between spatial references that have different geographic and/or vertical coordinate systems | |
Represents a step in the process of transforming between horizontal and/or vertical datums | |
Information about the sublayer metadata for a feature service or a map service | |
Identified graphics of a GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlays task | |
Result of an identifyLayers task | |
A Layer that supports image adjustments | |
A frame that, when added to an ImageOverlay, renders an image on top of a scene | |
An overlay that contains a frame with an image to display in the view | |
A list model storing a list of image overlays available in a SceneView | |
Represents a raster based off an image service | |
A base type for layers that display cached maps | |
An immutable collection of Segments that compose a single part of an immutable Multipart geometry (Polygon} or Polyline) | |
Represents an immutable collection of Parts that compose a Multipart geometry (Polygon or Polyline) | |
Represents an immutable collection of Points | |
Represents an immutable list of portal items | |
A class that represents an incident | |
Provides an indoor or outdoor position based on device sensor data (radio, GPS, motion sensors) | |
A domain which applies to domains on subtypes | |
Base type for events that describe user input | |
An IntegratedMeshLayer represents a layer that can visualize an integrated mesh layer | |
Contains information on offline resources, typically associated with a custom style for an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer | |
A base type for types representing a long running job on a server | |
Informational message about the execution of a job | |
Base type for types that support serialization to and from JSON | |
A key press input event | |
Defines how KmlNode will appear based on the specified Color and ColorMode properties | |
Holds one or more KML nodes and allows the creation of nested hierarchies | |
Contains the current state of the KML data specified in a KML/KMZ file | |
A container for KML features and styles | |
A container used to arrange other features hierarchically (Folders, Placemarks, NetworkLinks, or Overlays) | |
Contains all the KML-specific information associated with a Geometry | |
A list model storing a list of KmlGeometry elements | |
An image overlay draped over the terrain | |
A KML icon object | |
A KML icon style object | |
A KML image coordinate object | |
A KML Label style object | |
A layer that can visualize KML data | |
A KML line style object | |
A reference to a KML file or KMZ archive on a local or remote network | |
A KML Node | |
A list model storing a list of KmlNodes available in a KmlContainer | |
A photo overlay draped on a shape | |
A KML node with associated Geometry | |
A KML Polygon style object | |
An image overlay fixed to the screen | |
Specifies the drawing style for a KmlNode | |
An execution of a KML Playlist | |
Used to play, pause, or reset a KML tour | |
Contains all information about the KML camera and look at point | |
Specifies how to calculate the angular position and layout direction for labels on or around point feature symbols | |
An object that defines the text, appearance, and position of labels for features within a given scale range | |
A list model storing a list of label definitions applied to a ArcGISMapImageLayer, FeatureLayer or GraphicsOverlay | |
Abstract base class for the different types of expressions that can be used to create label text | |
A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text | |
A list model storing a list of LabelStackSeparators | |
An object that defines the text, appearance and position of labels for features for a given scale range | |
Represents a grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude (also known as graticules) | |
Base type for layer types | |
Base type for types that support a common set of Layer functionality | |
Encapsulates two associated objects of specific types: Layer and Error | |
Describes how features in a FloorAware layer are associated with floor levels of a facility | |
A list model storing a list of Layers available in a Map | |
Encapsulates two associated objects of specific types: Layer and OfflineCapability | |
Contains 3D-specific rendering properties for a layer | |
Temporal information about a time-aware sublayer of a map service or feature service | |
A helper type that provides information about the state of a layer | |
Legend information from a Layer | |
A list model storing a list of LegendInfos available for a LayerContent type | |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains floor levels for a floor-aware map or scene | |
LOD information: level, resolution and scale | |
A class that contains properties of a Runtime license | |
Contains information for licensing an app for Lite or Basic-level functionality from a portal instance | |
Runtime license result information | |
A base type containing common functionality for line-of-sight analysis objects | |
Represents a straight line between a start and end Point | |
Base type for line symbols | |
Indicates the specific units of measurement of an instance of LinearUnit, or linear measurement operation | |
Contains properties which set the rendering behavior for the contents of a map or scene as they are loaded | |
An interface for asynchronously loading data to initialize an object | |
An object that represents a pending feature edit specifying its edit operation and most recent edit time | |
An iterator for a collection of LocalFeatureEdit | |
An object that represents the LocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order, based on edit time | |
An item in a local data store such as a mobile map package | |
Represents a location update from a position source | |
Controls displaying position information and updates on a MapView | |
An analysis object that evaluates direct, vertical, and horizontal distances between two points defined by start and end point locations | |
Feed data for a Geotrigger created from an AbstractLocationDataSource | |
An analysis object that evaluates visibility along a line defined by observer and target point objects | |
A collection of well-known constant strings for keys in Location::additionalSourceProperties | |
Result of converting a scene location to a screen point | |
An analysis object that renders a viewshed for a specified point location | |
Information about a Locator's attributes | |
Information about an Address Locator | |
A task for Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding that supports both online and offline capabilities | |
Represents a grid with Military Grid Reference System for displaying on a map view | |
Filter features from the display based on the specified active display filter | |
A map which can be displayed on the screen using a map view | |
Capabilities of a map service | |
Information about the map service metadata for an ArcGIS Map Service | |
Sublayer source that refers to an existing layer in the current map service | |
A MapView that renders data in a map and allows users to interact with the map | |
Base class for 3D marker scene symbols | |
Base type for marker symbols | |
A base class for marker symbol layers, representing a symbol layer used to display a marker | |
Represents a pop-up element of type media that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement | |
A minimum/maximum stretch parameters object | |
A layer that can display the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package | |
A mobile map package | |
A utility that contains methods to work with .mmpk files | |
Instances of this class represent a mobile scene package (.mspk file) | |
A utility that contains methods to work with .mspk files | |
Used to display Point or Multipoint GeoElements in a scene using a 3D model | |
A geodatabase model designed for managing a collection of raster images | |
A rule determining how a requested image should participate in the mosaic | |
A mouse or touch event, such as movement, a tap, or a release | |
A multi-layer point symbol | |
A multi-layer polygon symbol | |
A multi-layer polyline symbol | |
Base type for multi-layer symbols | |
Base type for types that represent a geometry composed of a collection of Parts | |
Base type for builders of geometries that consist of multiple parts, such as Polyline and Polygon | |
An ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry | |
Helper type for building immutable Multipoint geometries | |
A singleton class to configure HTTP network caching options | |
A stop or barrier's corresponding location of a source feature in the network dataset | |
Information about the progress of a network request | |
A NMEA location object | |
A NMEA location data source object | |
Client authentication information obtained from registering an application with a Portal or ArcGIS Online | |
Base type from which most of objects in the API inherit | |
Describes whether a layer or table can be included in an offline map | |
Capability of taking a map's layers and tables offline | |
Contains properties to override the offline map's item properties | |
A key comprising the service URL and type of online service. The key is used to lookup values in a dictionary exposed by a GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides | |
A job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
Result of an OfflineMapSyncJob for a single layer or table | |
Parameters used for creating an OfflineMapSyncJob | |
Result of an OfflineMapSyncJob | |
A task with methods related to synchronizing an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
A task with methods related to taking a map offline and synchronizing online and offline maps | |
Describes supported methods for obtaining updates for a preplanned map area | |
Provides information on the available updates for an offline map | |
Settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use | |
Metadata of a layer (feature collection) in an OGC API - Features service | |
An OGC API - Features feature collection table | |
An OGC API - Features service | |
Metadata for an OGC API - Features service | |
A layer that displays OpenStreetMap map tiles | |
Provides orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving GeoElement | |
Provides orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving point object | |
Contains a field name and sort order for use in a query where the results are sorted | |
Ownership-based access control information for the features of a feature service layer | |
Represents a single part of a multipart builder | |
A mutable collection of parts for creating a Multipart geometry from a MultipartBuilder | |
A percent clip stretch parameters object | |
Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a Polygon GeoElement | |
A symbol layer that fills polygon geometry with an image | |
Uses an image to symbolize GeoElements that have Point or Multipoint | |
Represents a symbol layer used to place a picture marker on a point geometry | |
Information about a PKCS #12 crypography archive bundle | |
A specific location, defined by an x,y coordinate pair, and a SpatialReference | |
A Point indicating where the network analysis should not traverse | |
Helper type for building immutable Point geometries | |
A point cloud layer | |
Represents a mutable collection of Points for creating a Multipoint geometry from a MultipointBuilder | |
A geometry with an area shape defined by a collection of parts | |
A Polygon indicating where the network analysis should not traverse | |
Helper type for building immutable Polygon geometries | |
A linear shape defined by a collection of segments | |
A Polyline indicating where the network analysis should not traverse | |
Helper type for building immutable Polyline geometries | |
Combination of a PopupDefinition and a GeoElement, which allows a visual representation of the GeoElement's attributes as well as the ability to edit them | |
An attachment to a Popup, which contains the attachment data and some additional metadata about the attachment | |
A list model storing a list of PopupAttachment available for an ArcGISFeature | |
Manages PopupAttachments for a Popup | |
A list model used for viewing and editing attributes in a Popup | |
Defines how a Popup will be displayed and behave | |
Represents an element that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement | |
Defines an Arcade expression within a Popup | |
Result from evaluating a Popup Arcade expression | |
A representation of a GeoElement's attribute field in a Popup | |
Formatting of a field when used in a Popup | |
A list model storing pop-up fields | |
Manages the viewing and editing of a Popup | |
Media that is displayed in a Popup for a GeoElement | |
A list model storing pop-up media | |
Contents of an individual media element in a Popup | |
Contains information about displaying related features in a popup | |
Defines the order in which related features of a particular relationship are sorted for displaying in a popup | |
Marker interface inherited by some layers and overlays that will display Popups | |
Represents a view into a portal by a user, either anonymous or with a Credential | |
A folder used to organize a user's portal items | |
Represents the folders in the root folder of a user | |
Represents a group within a Portal or Organization | |
Represents a particular set of groups in a portal | |
Container for helper services that are provided by the portal | |
Information about a portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in | |
An item in a portal | |
Information about a comment on a PortalItem | |
Represents the list of comments relating to a PortalItem | |
Represents a list of portal items | |
Represents a particular privilege possessed by a portal user | |
Represents the set of privileges possessed by a portal user | |
Base class for parameters needed to perform a search within a Portal | |
Query parameters suitable for finding groups contained in a portal | |
Query parameters suitable for finding content contained in a portal | |
This class represents results of a groups query performed on a portal | |
This class represents results of an items query performed on a portal | |
Represents the result of moving a portal item | |
Represents a registered user of a portal or organization | |
Represents a single preplanned offline map area | |
List of preplanned map areas available obtained from an offline map task | |
Results returned from calling GeometryEngine::nearestCoordinate or GeometryEngine::nearestVertex | |
Contains parameters for a query for features | |
A RGB composite raster renderer | |
A domain which specifies a range of valid values for a field | |
An object that describes a RangeDomain to be created | |
Represents raster data that can be rendered using a RasterLayer | |
A RasterCell is a specific type of GeoElement used to represent the values of a specific pixel in a RasterLayer | |
A file-based raster elevation source | |
An operation that can be performed on one or more rasters or a mosaic dataset by applying on-the-fly processing | |
Represents arguments associated with a raster function | |
A RasterLayer is used to render data from a Raster onto a Map | |
A base class for renderers that can help visualize raster data | |
Sublayer source that is a file-based raster, residing in a registered raster workspace | |
Contains the features that have been returned from a related table query | |
Contains the input parameters for a related tables query | |
Information about the relationship between two tables | |
Base type for types that can make network requests | |
Base type for renderers | |
3D rendering properties for features or graphics in a Scene | |
Represents a rendering rule created from JSON or a pre-defined one on server | |
Metadata about a raster function template on the image service | |
Configuration parameters that apply to network requests | |
Parameters used to perform automatic rerouting, if off-route while navigating a route | |
An attribute to be used as a restriction in the analysis | |
Parameters for reverse geocoding using a LocatorTask | |
A Route contains information about the best way to maneuver between a series of Stops | |
Parameters for a RouteTask, such as stops, barriers, and whether to return directions | |
Result from a RouteTask | |
A task to find a Route between two or more locations | |
Information about a RouteTask | |
A utility that contains methods to work with route tasks | |
Uses a location to provide status and progress updates as a route is traversed (by a moving vehicle, for example) | |
A location data source that uses a route tracker and a generic location data source to output locations snapped to a route | |
Filter features from the display based on the current map scale | |
A DisplayFilter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range | |
A container class storing a list of scale range display filters | |
A scene which can be displayed on the screen using a scene view | |
A SceneView that renders data in a scene and allows users to interact with the scene | |
A utility that contains methods to apply to all SceneView objects | |
A segment represents an edge of a multipart geometry, connecting a start to an end point | |
Defines selection properties for the GeoView | |
Represents a service area facility | |
Represents input parameters for computing service area using ServiceAreaTask | |
A single service area polygon | |
A single service area polyline | |
A class that contains the output results generated by a ServiceAreaTask after solving | |
A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location | |
Information about a ServiceAreaTask | |
Identification metadata about a service | |
A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service | |
A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable instances connected to a feature service | |
A base class for all image tiled layers that fetches map tiles from a remote service | |
Information about a time-aware map service | |
An object that represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service | |
Parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service | |
A feature table created from an ArcGIS feature service | |
A fill symbol based on simple patterns | |
An expression script using the Simple REST language | |
A line symbol based on simple patterns | |
A 3D marker symbol based on simple shapes | |
A marker symbol based on simple shapes | |
A simple renderer based on a single symbol | |
A location data source that provides simulated device locations for testing | |
Parameters to control how locations are created from a simulated route of travel (Polyline) | |
Properties of the layer that contains sites for a floor-aware map or scene | |
Defines which edit capabilities of the SketchEditor will be enabled or disabled | |
A class that allows the user to sketch geometries on the map | |
Allows the visual appearance of the SketchEditor to be configured | |
A class that represents a vertex or mid-vertex in the SketchEditor | |
A solid fill symbol layer is a symbol layer intended for use with polygon geometries | |
A class for line symbol layers with customized geometric effects | |
Position of the source object (a network element) in the source network dataset | |
A spatial reference that defines how coordinates correspond to locations in the real world | |
A standard deviation stretch parameters object | |
Represents a type used for defining a statistic to be queried for in the table | |
Represents a value within the StatisticRecordIterator | |
An iterator for a collection of StatisticRecords | |
Contains parameters for a query for statistics | |
Contains the statistic records that have been returned from a query | |
A location to stop along a Route | |
Base class for various Stretch parameters | |
A stretch renderer that can help visualize raster data using RasterLayer | |
A StrokeSymbolLayer represents a symbol layer that, when applied to a polyline geometry, draws a stroke along that geometry. The StrokeSymbolLayer can also control drawing the outline of a polygon geometry | |
Source of ArcGISMapImageSublayer, used to create dynamic layers | |
Information about the user's subscription | |
A layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup properties, and so on for some or all of the FeatureSubtype in an ArcGISFeatureTable | |
A sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype | |
A list model storing a list of subtype sublayers available in a SubtypeFeatureLayer | |
A list model storing a list of SuggestResult for a LocatorTask | |
Parameters for suggesting potential matches using a LocatorTask | |
Result class returned from a suggest operation of a LocatorTask | |
Class containing elevation sources | |
Options used for creating a symbol swatch image | |
Base type for symbols used to display a graphic or a feature | |
Implements the anchor of a symbol layer, including placement mode and x and y anchor values | |
A base class to represent symbol layers, which are the fundamental components used to build multilayer symbols | |
A list model storing a list of symbol layers available in a multi-layer symbol | |
A list model storing a list of symbols | |
Symbol properties that change how symbols behave when attached to a renderer | |
A symbol style object | |
Search parameters used to search for symbols in a SymbolStyle | |
A search result object returned by symbol style | |
A list model storing a list of SymbolStyleSearchResult | |
Information about the capabilities supported by a sync-enabled service | |
A job returned by the GeodatabaseSyncTask::syncGeodatabase method | |
Parameters to sync data of a sync-enabled geodatabase | |
Options defining how to sync edits for a specific layer or table when creating a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
Result of a sync performed with GeodatabaseSyncTask | |
An object that describes a GeodatabaseFeatureTable to be created | |
Sublayer source that is the result of a join operation between two sublayer sources | |
Sublayer source that is a layer/table defined by a SQL query | |
Sublayer source that is a table, a feature class, or a raster that resides in a registered workspace (either a folder or geodatabase) | |
Represents a pop-up element of type text that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement | |
Used to display text at points on a layer | |
A local cache of pre-rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer | |
Describes a map tile cache | |
A key used to identify specific tiles in a tile cache or service | |
A marker interface implemented by classes that support time | |
Represents a span of time between a start time and end time | |
Time zone information for a time-aware layer | |
Defines a time offset or interval for time related classes | |
Information about remaining distance on a route | |
Information about tracking progress, including remaining/passed geometries, remaining time and distance | |
Route tracking status | |
Allows discovery and management of the transformations used to convert coordinates between different datums | |
A transformation matrix consisting of a translation vector and a rotation quaternion | |
A transformation matrix camera controller that supports camera navigation by using TransformationMatrix | |
A transportation network dataset | |
Defines how a pedestrian, car, truck or other mode of transportation moves through the network | |
Represents a USNG (United States National Grid) for displaying on a map view | |
Represents a grid that displays UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zones on a map view | |
A unique value definition for use with a unique value renderer | |
A list model storing a list of unique values available in a UniqueValueRenderer | |
A renderer that displays different symbols based on unique values in the feature attributes | |
Base type for types that represent a unit of measurement | |
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined | |
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined | |
First-level categorization of a UtilityNetworkSource | |
Second-level categorization of a UtilityNetworkSource | |
A container class storing a list of UtilityAssetTypes | |
A connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association | |
A category used to define a characteristic of an asset in a network | |
A condition evaluating whether a particular UtilityCategory exists on a feature in the trace | |
A domain network inside a utility network | |
An entity in a utility network that corresponds to a Feature | |
A trace result set comprised of a collection of UtilityElement objects | |
A trace result set consisting of a collection of UtilityTraceFunctionOutput objects | |
Trace result comprised of a set of Geometry objects representing the network elements identified by the trace | |
A set of predefined trace options that can be used by UtilityTraceParameters to simplify configuring and running a trace operation | |
Query parameters to use when searching for applicable named trace configuration objects | |
A filter set on UtilityTraceFilter::nearestNeighbor to return the next N features from the starting point | |
A utility network | |
A network attribute in a utility network | |
A condition evaluating the value of a UtilityNetworkAttribute on nodes in the network, either to another UtilityNetworkAttribute or to a specific value | |
Metadata of a utility network | |
A container class storing a list of UtilityNetworks | |
A network source in a utility network | |
Propagator objects allow a subset of UtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while executing a trace | |
A container class storing a list of UtilityPropagators | |
A single terminal on a junction feature | |
A utility network terminal configuration | |
Set of flow paths between terminals for a given device configuration | |
Specifies a flow path between two UtilityTerminal objects | |
A logical level within a network | |
A related group of UtilityTier objects | |
Combines two sub-expressions together using a logical AND operator | |
Base class for a utility network traversability condition | |
A trace condition that depends on the schema information in the Utility Network, such as the existence of a UtilityCategory on a node, or the value of a UtilityNetworkAttribute | |
Set of utility network parameters that define elements of a trace or of a subnetwork | |
A mechanism to stop tracing when returning results. UtilityTraceFilter objects do not stop traversability to the controller | |
A function for computing values during a network trace | |
A logical barrier that stops continued network traversal when a comparison expression evaluates as true | |
A list model storing a list of UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier objects | |
A container class storing a list of UtilityTraceFunctions | |
A UtilityTraceFunctionOutput consists of a UtilityTraceFunction and its corresponding global result | |
Two sub-expressions combined together using a logical OR operator | |
Utility network trace parameters | |
Base type for utility network trace result objects | |
A list model storing a list of UtilityTraceResult | |
A set of options controlling which objects are evaluated or returned during a tracing operation | |
Vector marker symbol element comprises the pieces of a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer | |
A list model storing a list of vector marker symbol elements | |
Vector Marker symbol layer represents a marker comprising vector graphics | |
This class represents the metadata for a local cache of vector map tiles that can be used to create an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer | |
Information about a vector tile source | |
A style sheet for a vector tiled layer | |
Used for specifying labeling properties on the MapView | |
Base type for types describing the user's viewpoint when viewing a map or scene | |
View location of the GeoView based on a center point and scale | |
View location of the MapView based on an extent | |
A base type for the Analysis types that determine visible and non-visible areas in a scene view | |
Voice guidance to play at certain locations along a route | |
A layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template | |
Label Webmap expression expects to hold a legal, Webmap script and to be read and evaluated by a Webmap expression interpreter. An example expression that combines text with a field value is: State {State_Name}. Note that quotes are not needed around the literal text | |
A table in an OGC Web Feature Service | |
Metadata about an individual layer in a Web Feature Service (WFS) | |
An OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) | |
Service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) | |
A mouse wheel input event | |
A WMS feature object | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) layer | |
Represents metadata about an individual layer in a Web Map Service (WMS) | |
Represents an OGC Web Map Service (WMS) | |
Represents the service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) | |
A sublayer of a Layer | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer | |
Represents metadata about an individual layer in a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) | |
An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) | |
Represents the service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) Tile Matrix | |
A WMTS tile matrix set |