LocationLineOfSight QML Type

An analysis object that evaluates visibility along a line defined by observer and target point objects. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2




Detailed Description

LocationLineOfSight renders a line between an observer location and a target location, each defined using a Point geometry. Visible and obstructed portions of the line are displayed with unique colors (green and red by default).

Property Documentation

observerLocation : Point

The observer location.

The point coordinates (x,y,z) define the observer location in 3D space.

targetLocation : Point

The target point location.

The point coordinates (x,y,z) define the target location in 3D space.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the observerLocation property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onObserverLocationChanged.


Emitted when the targetLocation property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTargetLocationChanged.

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