ServiceAreaPolygon QML Type

A single service area polygon. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1



Detailed Description

A service area polygon is one part of the result of a service area calculation. It covers the area of the network that can be reached within a specified time, distance, or other travel impedance (cost).

For example, when calculating service areas with time as the impedance, an impedance value of "5 10 15" creates service areas of 0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 minutes intervals. In this example, the ServiceAreaResult contains three ServiceAreaPolygons, each one covering an area representing the service area reachable within each interval. Each ServiceAreaPolygon has properties (fromImpedanceCutoff and toImpedanceCutoff) that identify which interval the ServiceAreaPolygon represents.

Property Documentation

fromImpedanceCutoff : double

Returns the service area polygon's minimum impedance value (read-only).

geometry : Polygon

Returns the geometry (read-only).

toImpedanceCutoff : double

Returns the service area polygon's maximum impedance value (read-only).

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