LocatorSearchSource QML Type

Uses a Locator to provide search and suggest results. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.13
Inherited By:





  • void search(var query, Geometry area)

Detailed Description

Note: Most configuration should be done on the GeocodeParameters directly.

Property Documentation

displayName : string

The name to show when presenting this source in the UI.

[read-only] geocodeParameters : GeocodeParameters

The parameters used for geocoding. Some properties on parameters will be updated automatically based on searches.

locatorTask : LocatorTask

The locator used by this search source.

maximumResults : int

The maximum results to return when performing a search.

Note: Defaults to 6.

maximumSuggestions : int

The maximum suggestions to return when performing a search.

Note: Defaults to 6.

preferredSearchLocation : Point

The point to be used as an input to searches and suggestions.

[read-only] suggestParameters : SuggestParameters

The parameters used for suggestions. Some properties on parameters will be updated automatically based on searches.

[read-only] suggestions : ListModel

The collection of suggestion results.

A suggestion is a ListElement with the following fields.

displayTitlestringThe suggestion heading.
displaySubtitlestringOptional suggestion subheading.
collectionboolFlag for if the suggestion is a boolean.
markerImageUrlurlURL of the image to display alongside suggestion.
owningSourceobjectThe search-source this suggestion was created from.
suggestionSuggestionResultThe SuggestionResult that populated this ListElement.

Signal Documentation

searchCompleted(list searchResults)

Signal emitted when the search completes, giving the found search results as searchResults.

A result is a ListElement with the following fields.

displayTitlestringThe result heading.
displaySubtitlestringOptional result subheading.
markerImageUrlurlURL of the image to display alongside result.
owningSourceobjectThe search-source this result was created from.
geoElementGeoElementThe optional map location/graphic of this result.
selectionViewpointEnvelopeAn area containing the result.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSearchCompleted.

Method Documentation

void search(var query, Geometry area)

Starts a search using query as input.

query can be a string or a SuggestResult.

If area is non-null, search is restricted to that area.

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