OverviewMap QML Type

Defines a small "overview" (or "inset") map displaying a representation of the current viewpoint of the given GeoView. For MapViews, the current viewpoint will be represented by a polygon displaying the visible area of the MapView. For SceneViews, the current viewpoint will be represented by a reticle (crosshairs) displaying the viewpoint center. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRutime 100.12



Detailed Description


Example code in the QML API (C++ API might differ):

        MapView {
            Map {
                initBasemapStyle: Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISCommunity
            OverviewMap {
                anchors {
                    top: parent.top
                    left: parent.left
                    margins: 10
                geoView: parent

Note: By default, the OverviewMap will attempt to use an ArcGIS Topographic basemap, which requires an API key to access.

Property Documentation

controller : var

The controller handles binding logic between the OverviewMap and the GeoView where applicable.

The QML controller is documented here and the CPP controller is documented here.

geoView : var

The GeoView for this tool. Should be a SceneView or a MapView.

scaleFactor : real

Sets the amount to scale the OverviewMap compared to the geoView.

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