TimeSlider QML Type

The slider provides a user interface for manually setting or animating changes to the current time extent of the GeoView. More...

Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10



Detailed Description

A time slider can be bound to a geoView (MapView or SceneView) to allow filtering on temporal data. The time extents of all layers in the map or scene will be used to set up the slider with the full temporal range and the current time extent.


Example code in the QML API (C++ API might differ):

        MapView {
            Map {
                initBasemapStyle: Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISDarkGray
                ArcGISMapImageLayer {
                    url: dataUrl

            TimeSlider {
                geoView: parent
                anchors {
                    left: parent.left
                    right: parent.right
                    bottom: parent.bottom


Property Documentation

controller : var

The controller handles calculating steps and setting extents on the GeoView.

The QML controller is documented here and the CPP controller is documented here.

endTimePinned : bool

Whether the end time of the time window can be manipulated.

The default is false.

fullExtentLabelFormat : string

The format for displaying Date values for the full time extent. - for example "yy/MM/dd".

The default is Qt.DefaultLocaleShortDate.

See also Qt.formatDateTime.

geoView : var

The GeoView for this tool. Should be a SceneView or a MapView.

icon : icon

The icon for the play button.

labelMode : int

Current option for applying labels to the Slider.

Valid options are:

LabelMode.NodeNo labels are applied.
LabelMode.ThumbsLabels are applied to the slider thumbs.
LabelMode.TicksLabels are applied to the slider tick marks.

The default is LabelMode.Thumbs.

labelSliderTickInterval : int

The interval at which slider ticks should be labeled.

The default is 20.

playIcon : alias

The icon for the play button.

playbackInterval : int

The amount of time (in milliseconds) during playback that will elapse before the slider advances to the next time step.

The default is 500.

playbackLoop : bool

Whether to loop when the animation reaches the end of the slider.

The default is "true".

playbackReverse : bool

Whether to reverse the animation direction when the animation reaches the end of the slider.

Note: This property has no effect if playbackLoop is false. The default is false.

startTimePinned : bool

Whether the start time of the time window can be manipulated.

The default is false.

stepBackIcon : icon

The icon for the step-back button.

stepForwardIcon : icon

The icon for the step-forward button.

timeStepIntervalLabelFormat : var

The date format for displaying time step intervals, for example: "yy/MM/dd". The default is Qt.DefaultLocaleShortDate.

See also Qt.formatDateTime.

Method Documentation


Increments both handles by count.

Count may be negative to decrement the handles.

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