The controller part of a OverviewMap. This class handles the management of the inset MapView, including symbol styling and navigation. More...
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRutime 100.12 |
- geoView : var
- insetView : MapView
- navigationEnabled : bool
- scaleFactor : real
- symbol : Symbol
Detailed Description
Property Documentation
MapView which represents an overview/inset of the current viewpoint of the geoView.
Sets the amount to scale the OverviewMap compared to the geoView.
The symbol used to represent the GeoView's current viewpoint.
If OverviewMapController::geoView is not set, then the symbol will return nullptr
by default.
If OverviewMapController::geoView is set, and a custom symbol was not applied, then a default will be provided.
For MapView, the default is an empty SimpleFillSymbol with a 1 point red outline; for SceneView, it will be a red, cross-hair SimpleMarkerSymbol.