Send a layer to the Attribute Table widget
The following steps explain how to send a layer from your widget to the Attribute Table widget. Since the attribute table only displays layers in the map, make sure to add the layer to the map.
- Import the jimu/LayerInfos/LayerInfos module.
- Get the instance of LayerInfos, and bind the layerInfosChanged event.
LayerInfos.getInstance(map, map.itemInfo).then(lang.hitch(this, function(layerInfosObj) { this.own(layerInfosObj.on( 'layerInfosChanged', lang.hitch(this, this.onLayerInfosChanged))); }));
- If the layer has already been added to the map, use the instance of LayerInfos to get layerInfo by layer id.
var layerInfo = this.layerInfosObj.getLayerInfoById(; this.publishData({ 'target': 'AttributeTable', 'layer': layerInfoSelf });
- Otherwise, add a new layer to the map, get the new layerInfo from the onLayerInfosChanged function, and publish it to the attribute table.
map.addLayer(fLayer); onLayerInfosChanged: function(layerInfo, changeType, layerInfoSelf) { if (!layerInfoSelf || !layerInfo) { return; } if ('added' === changeType) { layerInfoSelf.getSupportTableInfo().then(lang.hitch(this, function(supportTableInfo) { if (supportTableInfo.isSupportedLayer) { this.publishData({ 'target': 'AttributeTable', 'layer': layerInfoSelf }); } })); } else if ('removed' === changeType) { // do something } }
- If the layer has already been added to the map, use the instance of LayerInfos to get layerInfo by layer id.