
AMD: require(["esri/renderers/support/utils"], (rendererUtils) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as rendererUtils from "@arcgis/core/renderers/support/utils.js";
Object: esri/renderers/support/utils
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.28

Various utilities for accessing renderer colors that match to fields, Arcade expressions, or values.

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Resolves with a FieldToValueColorMap that contains the fields and a map of values to its matched color in the renderer.


Resolves with a Map of fields matched to the color that the field is represented by in the renderer.


Method Details



Resolves with a FieldToValueColorMap that contains the fields and a map of values to its matched color in the renderer. If the renderer has a default symbol, the string value in the returned FieldToValueColorMap will be "default".


The renderer from which to match values with their associated colors.

Type Description
Promise<FieldToValueColorMap> Resolves with a FieldToValueColorMap.
const fieldToValueColorMap = await rendererUtils.getColorsForRendererValues(renderer);
// Loop through the returned fieldToValueColorMap to access the fields and their matching ValueToColorMap object.
for (const expressionOrField in Object.fromEntries(fieldToValueColorMap)) {
  const valueToColorMap = fieldToValueColorMap.get(expressionOrField);


getColorsFromRenderer(renderer){Promise<Map<string, Array<(Color|null|undefined)>>>}

Resolves with a Map of fields matched to the color that the field is represented by in the renderer. If the renderer has a default symbol, the string returned in the map will be "default".


The renderer from which to extract fields and their associated matching colors.

Type Description
Promise<Map<string, Array<(Color|null|undefined)>>> Resolves with a Map of string fields matched to the color that the field is represented by in the renderer. If there is no color matching to a field key, the value will be null.
const fieldToColorMap = await rendererUtils.getColorsFromRenderer(renderer);
// Loop through the returned fieldToColorMap to access the fields and their matching color.
for (const field in Object.fromEntries(fieldToColorMap)) {
  const color = fieldToColorMap.get(field);

Type Definitions


Type Definition
FieldToValueColorMap Map<string, ValueToColorMap>

A mapping of the field or Arcade expression to a ValueToColorMap object.


Type Definition
ValueToColorMap Map<(string|number|null|undefined), (Color|null|undefined)>

A Map object that holds a renderer value and its corresponding color. Type definition for FieldToValueColorMap.

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