What's new in version 2.13
ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) 2.13 update includes continued support for accessibility, a new widget, and improvements to several widgets.
- Hosted feature layer performance has improved for desktop browsers when you visualize layers with large amounts of data. For more information, see How can I visualize hosted feature layers with large amounts of data?
- Support for accessibility has been added to more widgets and themes for 2D apps, including Attribute Table, Info Summary, Query, Infographic, and so on.
- The new Business Analyst widget provides a way to generate Business Analyst Infographics and Classic Reports.
- You can now add stops in Directions by searching feature layers.
- With Query and Filter, you can perform a query on a combination of date and time.
- The My Location widget has new options to display compass orientation and location accuracy on a mobile device.
- Near Me adds the option to choose selection color and modernizes the buffer slider.
- Screening has support for rich text in the footnote editor, separates measurement units for length and area, and adds the option to draw a circle on the map.
- You can choose to not display the thousand separator with Infographic.
- Search provides different radius units in the local search.
- Batch Attribute Editor has the option to choose the drawing tool for the Select by Area method and allows for custom text to display at the top of the widget.
- The Network Trace configuration experience has been updated for the General Settings tab.
- The Emergency Response Guide (ERG), Gridded Reference Graphic (GRG), and Threat Analysis widgets can now publish results to an existing feature layer on the map.
- The Situation Awareness widget adds the option to choose selection color.