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Working with Popups

Create Popup using ArcGIS.com

You can programatically build info windows using the JavaScript API, see the format info window content topic for details. An alternate approach is to use the ArcGIS.com Map Viewer to build a web map and configure pop-up windows. You can quickly create pop-up windows that contain formatted text, images, charts and more. View the ArcGIS.com help for details on configuring pop-up windows. Once you've configured the pop-up it is used to display information in embedded applications and applications built with the ArcGIS Web APIs. Here's an example of an embedded webmap with popups enabled. Note that you can navigate the map and click to view popups. The mobile popup is optimized to display well on maps with a small screen size like that found on mobile devices.

View Larger Map

Once you have created pop-up windows, you can share and embed your Web map or use the provided templates to quickly create a Web application that displays the map and pop-up window with no programming required. End-users of the application can click on the map to display the information pop-up. View the Building Web applications with the ArcGIS.com templates help topic for information on creating and sharing a Web map.

Replace the map's default info window with the popup

At version 2.3, the Popup and PopupTemplate classes were added to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. These classes allow developers to define and use a popup that has an identical experience to the ArcGIS.com popup. The Popup can replace the map's info window and display content like query or identify task results. At verison 3.4, the popup is the default info window for the map.

The Popup class, an implementation of InfoWindow provides the following capabilities:

  • Navigation tools that allow you to move through selected features.
  • Zoom to selected feature.
  • Highlight selected feature.
  • Maximize the info window.

View the Feature layer from feature collection and Feature Layer with popup samples for examples of how to work the popup.

Mobile Popup

At version 2.4 the MobilePopup class was added to provide a better user experience when working with small maps such as maps that display on a mobile device. It provides an info window with a small footprint when a feature is initially touched. Once open, the info window has a button to fill the screen with the feature's attributes so all info about a feature can be seen. We use the mobile popup viewer in the ArcGIS.com mobile site. Visit ArcGIS.com from a mobile device or navigate directly to the mobile site m.arcgis.com to try out the mobile popup.

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