require(["esri/layers/LineOfSightLayer"], (LineOfSightLayer) => { /* code goes here */ });
import LineOfSightLayer from "@arcgis/core/layers/LineOfSightLayer.js";
LineOfSightLayer computes the line of sight from a single observer position towards a set of targets. The results are visualized in a 3D SceneView.
To display the line of sight between two points, create a new instance of LineOfSightLayer, add it to and set the observer and targets properties.
Use the LineOfSightAnalysisView3D to retrieve analysis results.
// create lineofsight layer
const lineOfSightLayer = new LineOfSightLayer({
observer: new LineOfSightAnalysisObserver({ position: somePoint }),
new LineOfSightAnalysisTarget({position: someOtherPoint})
// add to scene view;
// wait for the view to load before checking the result
await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !view.updating);
// retrieve measured results from analysis view
const analysisView = await view.whenAnalysisView(lineOfSightLayer.analysis);
const results = analysisView.results;
Use the LineOfSight widget in order to add interactivity and allow users to change the geometry of the analysis.
If the observer position or target position have z-values then these will be treated as absolute values, otherwise the points will be aligned to the ground.
Known Limitations
- This analysis is only supported in a 3D SceneView.
- See also
Parameterproperties Objectoptional
See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.
Exampleconst lineOfSightLayer = new LineOfSightLayer();
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class |
The LineOfSightAnalysis associated with the layer. | LineOfSightLayer | ||
The name of the class. | Accessor | ||
The full extent of the layer computed from the observer and targets. | LineOfSightLayer | ||
The unique ID assigned to the layer. | Layer | ||
Indicates how the layer should display in the LayerList widget. | Layer | ||
The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading. | Layer | ||
Represents the status of a load operation. | Layer | ||
A list of warnings which occurred while loading. | Layer | ||
Indicates whether the layer's resources have loaded. | Layer | ||
The observer defines the point from which the line of sight analysis is performed. | LineOfSightLayer | ||
The parent to which the layer belongs. | Layer | ||
LineOfSightLayer | |||
The spatial reference of the layer. | LineOfSightLayer | ||
Target locations. | LineOfSightLayer | ||
The title of the layer used to identify it in places such as the LayerList widget. | Layer | ||
For LineOfSightLayer the type is always "line-of-sight". | LineOfSightLayer | ||
Specifies a fixed time extent during which a layer should be visible. | Layer | ||
Indicates if the layer is visible in the View. | Layer |
Property Details
analysis LineOfSightAnalysisautocast
The LineOfSightAnalysis associated with the layer. Assigning a null value will create a new empty analysis.
The full extent of the layer computed from the observer and targets. The returned extent has Z values only if the observer and all targets have absolute Z values.
InheritedPropertylistMode String
Inherited from Layer -
Indicates how the layer should display in the LayerList widget. The possible values are listed below.
Value Description show The layer is visible in the table of contents. hide The layer is hidden in the table of contents. hide-children If the layer is a GroupLayer, BuildingSceneLayer, KMLLayer, MapImageLayer, SubtypeGroupLayer, TileLayer, or WMSLayer, hide the children layers from the table of contents. Possible Values:"show" |"hide" |"hide-children"
- Default Value:"show"
Inherited from Layer
The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading.
- Default Value:null
InheritedPropertyloadStatus Stringreadonly
Inherited from Layer -
Represents the status of a load operation.
Value Description not-loaded The object's resources have not loaded. loading The object's resources are currently loading. loaded The object's resources have loaded without errors. failed The object's resources failed to load. See loadError for more details. Possible Values:"not-loaded" |"loading" |"failed" |"loaded"
- Default Value:"not-loaded"
Inherited from Layer
A list of warnings which occurred while loading.
observer LineOfSightAnalysisObserver |null |undefinedautocast
The observer defines the point from which the line of sight analysis is performed.
The observer position must be set before the layer can be saved to a WebScene.
This property is an alias to the same property on the analysis object held by this layer.
InheritedPropertyparent Map |Basemap |Ground |GroupLayer |CatalogDynamicGroupLayer |CatalogLayer |null |undefined
Inherited from LayerSince: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.27Layer since 4.0, parent added at 4.27. -
The parent to which the layer belongs.
persistenceEnabled Boolean
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.28LineOfSightLayer since 4.24, persistenceEnabled added at 4.28. -
- Default Value:true
spatialReference SpatialReferencereadonly
The spatial reference of the layer. The spatial reference is derived from the observer.
targets Collection<LineOfSightAnalysisTarget> |null |undefinedautocast
Target locations. A list of points to look at from the observer.
This property is an alias to the same property on the analysis object held by this layer.
Inherited from Layer
The title of the layer used to identify it in places such as the LayerList widget.
If the layer is loaded from a portal item, the title of the portal item will be used. If a layer is loaded as part of a webmap or a webscene, then the title of the layer as stored in the webmap/webscene will be used.
type Stringreadonly
For LineOfSightLayer the type is always "line-of-sight".
InheritedPropertyvisibilityTimeExtent TimeExtent |null |undefinedautocast
Inherited from LayerSince: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.30Layer since 4.0, visibilityTimeExtent added at 4.30. -
Specifies a fixed time extent during which a layer should be visible. This property can be used to configure a layer that does not have time values stored in an attribute field to work with time. Once configured, the TimeSlider widget will display the layer within the set time extent. In the case that only one of the start or end date values are available, the layer remains visible indefinitely in the direction where there is no time value.
Aerial imagery can capture seasonal variations in vegetation, water bodies, and land use patterns. For example, in agricultural regions, aerial imageries taken during different growing seasons provide insights into crop health and productivity. Defining a fixed time extent on imageries from specific time periods provides temporal context and facilitates focused analysis based on specific time periods or events.
- Default Value:null
- See also
InheritedPropertyvisible Boolean
Inherited from Layer -
Indicates if the layer is visible in the View. When
, the layer may still be added to a Map instance that is referenced in a view, but its features will not be visible in the view.- Default Value:true
Example// The layer is no longer visible in the view layer.visible = false; // Watch for changes in the layer's visibility // and set the visibility of another layer when it changes () => layer.visible, (visible) => { if (visible) { anotherLayer.visible = true; } else { anotherLayer.visible = false; } } );
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Class |
Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. | Accessor | ||
Cancels a load() operation if it is already in progress. | Layer | ||
Promise<LayerView> | Called by the views, such as MapView and SceneView, when the layer is added to the Map.layers collection and a layer view must be created for it. | Layer | |
Destroys the layer and any associated resources (including its portalItem, if it is a property on the layer). | Layer | ||
Emits an event on the instance. | Layer | ||
Promise<Object> | Fetches custom attribution data for the layer when it becomes available. | Layer | |
Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name. | Layer | ||
Returns true if a named group of handles exist. | Accessor | ||
| Layer | ||
| Layer | ||
| Layer | ||
Promise | Loads the resources referenced by this class. | Layer | |
Registers an event handler on the instance. | Layer | ||
Removes a group of handles owned by the object. | Accessor | ||
Promise |
| Layer |
Method Details
Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25Accessor since 4.0, addHandles added at 4.25. -
Adds one or more handles which are to be tied to the lifecycle of the object. The handles will be removed when the object is destroyed.
// Manually manage handles const handle = reactiveUtils.when( () => !view.updating, () => { wkidSelect.disabled = false; }, { once: true } ); this.addHandles(handle); // Destroy the object this.destroy();
ParametershandleOrHandles WatchHandle|WatchHandle[]Handles marked for removal once the object is destroyed.
groupKey *optionalKey identifying the group to which the handles should be added. All the handles in the group can later be removed with Accessor.removeHandles(). If no key is provided the handles are added to a default group.
InheritedMethodcreateLayerView(view, options){Promise<LayerView>}
Inherited from Layer -
Called by the views, such as MapView and SceneView, when the layer is added to the Map.layers collection and a layer view must be created for it. This method is used internally and there is no use case for invoking it directly.
Parametersview *The parent view.
options ObjectoptionalAn object specifying additional options. See the object specification table below for the required properties of this object.
Specificationsignal AbortSignal|null|undefinedoptionalA signal to abort the creation of the layerview.
Returns- See also
Inherited from Layer
Destroys the layer and any associated resources (including its portalItem, if it is a property on the layer). The layer can no longer be used once it has been destroyed.
The destroyed layer will be removed from its parent object like Map, WebMap, WebScene, Basemap, Ground, or GroupLayer.
Inherited from Layer -
Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.
Parametertype StringThe name of the event.
ReturnsType Description Boolean Returns true if the class supports the input event.
Inherited from AccessorSince: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25Accessor since 4.0, hasHandles added at 4.25. -
Returns true if a named group of handles exist.
ParametergroupKey *optionalA group key.
ReturnsType Description Boolean Returns true
if a named group of handles exist.Example// Remove a named group of handles if they exist. if (obj.hasHandles("watch-view-updates")) { obj.removeHandles("watch-view-updates"); }
Inherited from Layer -
may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected). If it is fulfilled,true
will be returned.ReturnsType Description Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).
Inherited from Layer -
may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. If it is rejected,true
will be returned.ReturnsType Description Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been rejected.
Inherited from Layer -
may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. If it is resolved,true
will be returned.ReturnsType Description Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been resolved.
Inherited from Layer
Loads the resources referenced by this class. This method automatically executes for a View and all of the resources it references in Map if the view is constructed with a map instance.
This method must be called by the developer when accessing a resource that will not be loaded in a View.
method only triggers the loading of the resource the first time it is called. The subsequent calls return the same promise.It's possible to provide a
to stop being interested into aLoadable
instance load status. When the signal is aborted, the instance does not stop its loading process, only cancelLoad can abort it.Parametersoptional Additional options.
Specificationsignal AbortSignal|null|undefinedoptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.ReturnsType Description Promise Resolves when the resources have loaded.
InheritedMethodon(type, listener){Object}
Inherited from Layer -
Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.
ParametersReturnsType Description Object Returns an event handler with a remove()
method that should be called to stop listening for the event(s).Property Type Description remove Function When called, removes the listener from the event. Exampleview.on("click", function(event){ // event is the event handle returned after the event fires. console.log(event.mapPoint); });
Inherited from Accessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25Accessor since 4.0, removeHandles added at 4.25. -
Removes a group of handles owned by the object.
ParametergroupKey *optionalA group key or an array or collection of group keys to remove.
Exampleobj.removeHandles(); // removes handles from default group obj.removeHandles("handle-group"); obj.removeHandles("other-handle-group");
Inherited from Layer
may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created. This method takes two input parameters: acallback
function and anerrback
function. Thecallback
executes when the instance of the class loads. Theerrback
executes if the instance of the class fails to load.ParametersReturnsType Description Promise Returns a new promise for the result of callback
that may be used to chain additional functions.Example// Although this example uses MapView, any class instance that is a promise may use when() in the same way let view = new MapView(); view.when(function(){ // This function will execute once the promise is resolved }, function(error){ // This function will execute if the promise is rejected due to an error });
Event Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class |
{view: View,layerView: LayerView} |
Fires after the layer's LayerView is created and rendered in a view. |
Layer |
{view: View,error: Error} |
Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map. |
Layer |
{view: View,layerView: LayerView} |
Fires after the layer's LayerView is destroyed and no longer renders in a view. |
Layer |
Event Details
Inherited from Layer
Fires after the layer's LayerView is created and rendered in a view.
- Properties
- See also
Example// This function will fire each time a layer view is created for this // particular view. layer.on("layerview-create", function(event){ // The LayerView for the layer that emitted this event event.layerView; });
Inherited from Layer
Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.
- Properties
- See also
Example// This function fires when an error occurs during the creation of the layer's layerview layer.on("layerview-create-error", function(event) { console.error("LayerView failed to create for layer with the id: ",, " in this view: ", event.view); });